Interview with a common redpoll

Common Redpoll. Photo by Scott Heron. Creative Commons. Amelia: Goodness, it’s cold out today! I’m glad I wore my snow pants. I’m always amazed to see how active birds can be in these frigid temperatures. Look at that flock of house sparrows, chittering and flitting about in that tree, like it isn’t -20°C! Common redpoll: Sounds like someone needs an attitude adjustment. Winter is fantastic! And we’re not sparrows by the way. We’re common…

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Interview with an ermine

Ermine. Photo by TessaLuna. Pixabay Licence. Amelia: What a gorgeous winter day to walk along the river. The contrast between the white snow and the dark rocks is breathtaking. Wait, that pile of snow is moving. Now it’s jumping from rock to rock. I can’t believe it- it’s an ermine! Ermine: Calm down lady, haven’t you ever seen an ermine before? We live literally everywhere in Canada. A: Wow, I had no idea you…

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Interview with a Tree Swallow

Tree Swallow Nest. By Richard Griffin. Creative Commons. Amelia: This urban pond was a great discovery. Look, the community has even installed nesting boxes on tall poles around the pond. I wonder who’s nesting in them. Oh, a bird’s head popped out of that box- I’ll go check it out. Tree Swallow: Hello, this nest is taken. You can’t use it. Goodbye. A: Wait- I’m not interested in taking your nest. I just wanted…

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Interview with a Greater Snow Goose

Snow Goose. Photo by Shiva Shenoy. Creative Commons. Amelia: Taking this fall trip to Quebec City was a great idea- the coloured leaves are spectacular! What a perfect day to walk along the St. Lawrence River. Just me, the cliffs, a saltwater mash…and a goose pulling up reeds like their life depends on it. Greater Snow Goose: Well excuse me for wanting to live another day! While you can drive to a new destination,…

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Interview with an American Mink

American Mink. Photo by Peter Trimming. CC. This post is in honour of my dad. Happy Father’s Day! Amelia: What a phenomenal day for a bike ride around Dow’s Lake. The tulips are in bloom, the water is shining, there’s a furry snake on the rocks…wait, why is there a furry snake on the rocks? American Mink: How rude! I’m an American Mink, I’ll have you know. A: Right, I knew that. There are…

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Interview with a Dark-eyed junco

Dark-eyed junco. Photo by Shenandoah National Park. CC. Amelia: Look, there’s a flock of dark-eyed juncos hopping on the snow below my bird feeder. If I’m very quiet, I wonder if I can step a little closer… Dark-eyed junco: Abort, abort! Fly for the trees! A: Darn, why do you always do that? I just want a closer look. D: I didn’t get this old without being very careful. I spend my most of…

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Interview with a mourning dove

Mourning dove. Photo by Amelia Buchanan. Copyright 2020 Amelia: Ugh, why am I awake so early? The sun isn’t even up yet. That owl hooting outside my window must have woken me up again. Mourning dove: Nope, it’s just me. I need to get an early start on finding a mate! A: Is that really necessary? I’m sure you’d attract more ladies at say, 8 a.m. M: Sorry, no can do. I need to coo…

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Interview with a White-breasted Nuthatch

A White-breasted Nuthatch being characteristically acrobatic. Photo by Andy Reago & Chrissy McClarren. CC. Amelia: What a gorgeous winter day for a walk in the woods. The snow makes everything so hushed and peaceful. Except for that nasal quacking sound. Who’s doing that? White-breasted Nuthatch: Hey, I don’t comment on your annoying voice. This is just how I sound. A: Oh, you’re a nuthatch, working your way down a tree upside down. Why do…

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5 choses vous ne saviez-pas sur les fraises

Strawberry. Photo par Vladimir Fishmen, CC. (Read the English version of this post) C’est la saison des fraises en Ontario. Bientôt on va faire des muffins, du fraisier et de la confiture. Quand j’étais petite, j’étais responsable de faire la cueillette des fraises dans notre jardin. Ce n’était pas une tâche difficile parce que les oiseaux et les écureuils mangeaient la plupart des baies. Une fois, j’ai fait l’erreur de laver ma récolte dans…

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