A Dry Saskatoon in 2018: Yearly Weather Summary

Take a look back at Saskatoon’s top weather statistics and events of 2018 using data from SRC's Climate Reference Station. Some might be obvious – who could forget the thick smoke blanketing our city in August or the beautiful frost (freezing fog or rime frost) that set in on Saskatoon in late November – but some might also surprise you.

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The top 5 stories of 2018 in science and tech at SRC

We’re counting down the most-read stories published on our site in 2018. These are the projects and people that really stood out for our readers. In a time when there’s a lot of good content being shared, we’re thrilled that you’ve come here to be inspired and entertained.

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What You Need to Know about Internet Security: Friends and Family Edition

At SRC, we have a robust internet security training program. But not all businesses have this and even then, there’s still a large part of the population—grandparents, parents and children—that don’t have access to this type of training. It’s really on us, those in the know, to talk to our friends and family about how they can stay safe online.

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Pipelines 101: The history of pipelines and how they are used in modern living

When people think of pipelines, they often associate them with the oil and gas industry. But pipelines have a broader use beyond this industry, and the technology is not new. In fact, there is a long history of societies using pipelines to provide transportation to fill a variety of important needs. Learn how pipelines developed and their role in modern day living.

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How UAVs can help industry detect methane gas

Unoccupied Aerial Vehicles (UAVs or drones) are also becoming a tool of interest for upstream oil and gas producers. A methane gas detection UAV is capable of spotting small, isolated gas leaks at ground level from up to 30 meters in the air — a feat that’s not quite as easy as it sounds.

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Industrial CT Scanners: A Game-Changing Tool for the Oil and Gas Industry

The petroleum industry has used medical-grade CT scanners for decades. Although many commercial laboratories, research institutes and universities use these scanners, the technology has limitations. A high-resolution industrial CT scanner can provide clearer images in greater detail for complex industrial applications.

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