Playing the TrophIE game

By Emmanuelle Barreau, a PhD student at the Université du Québec en Outaouais In May 2023, I participated at the Advanced Field School in Computational Ecology at the Couvent de Val-Morin, during which we studied prey-predator relationships in natural environments and the analytical methods for these complex datasets. Throughout the week, we were key players...

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Travel Story: A trip to Antwerp, Belgium for the 17th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants

By Lindsay Trottier, a PhD student at McGill University In November 2023, I was afforded the opportunity to attend the 17th International Symposium on Aquatic Plants held in Antwerp, Belgium, which ran from November 13-17. The goal of the conference is to bring together individuals and organizations from around the world to discuss topics relating...

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A Haunting Legacy: The Ghosts of Land-Use Past

By Michael Paulauskas, a MSc graduate from Concordia University For starters, I’d like to apologize for the seemingly sensational title. No, I won’t be writing about actual hauntings, ghosts, or any other supernatural phenomena. Quite the opposite, I’ll be sharing with you my experiences with something relatively more mundane: urban soils! It isn’t every day...

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A Record-Breaking Year on the Prairies: 2023 Weather Overview

With several longstanding climate records shattered in 2023, Saskatchewan’s weather was right at home in a year full of impactful events. This year, SRC's Climate Reference Station (CRS) located in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, logged record amounts of bright sunshine, record daily high temperatures and below average precipitation making 2023 the fifth driest year on record.

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Des territoires quasi inexplorés par les botanistes

Qu’ont en commun la toundra nordique du Nunavut, les eaux de l’Arctique près de Cambridge Bay, le fond d’un lac au parc national Yellowstone et les champs de Charlevoix? Ce sont quelques-uns des sites remarquables où l’équipe de botanique du Musée a collecté de nouveaux spécimens d’algues, de mousses, de lichens et de plantes vasculaires....

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