Ten Tenths of Twice Half a Brain

Today I return from a long hiatus of personal scientific writing, but not for just any topic. I slither out of my fabled and mysterious science lair, clothed in my bejeweled laboratory coat and particularly full of snarky rage. Ready to unload some choice words on one of everyone’s favourite things to rant about. Idiots. No, not idiots of your everyday consideration like this kid who tried to have sex with a hotpocket. Or this…

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The Scientific Miracle Cure for Every Disease, Illness and Ailment, Ever.

Time to face the facts folks. It’s been a long Canadian winter and you’ve been huddled up drinking high fat triple-chocolate lattes around the fireplace with the average daily mobility of a rock. Fear not, even rocks can get active and I myself have to shed an entire seasons worth of Timmy’s French vanillas. Whatever...

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