Weekend reads

After a long long while some fodder for avid readers. Metabarcoding Analyses Enable Differentiation of Both Interspecific Assemblages and Intraspecific Divergence in Habitats With Differing Management Practices.Spatial and temporal collections provide important data on the distribution and dispersal of species. Regional-scale monitoring invariably involves hundreds of thousands of samples, the identification of which is costly in both time and money. In this respect, metabarcoding is increasingly seen as a viable alternative to traditional morphological identification, as…

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Posters from the conference

As we all know poster sessions at conferences are always too short and there is no chance to look at the ones that might be of interest let alone all of them. Very often, all that is left after a conference is an abstract somewhere in a thick conference volume unless the work gets published as paper one final day.It is for this reason that I really like the idea the organizers of the 7th…

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2018 Young Researchers Award

2018 GBIF Young Researchers Award 15 June nomination deadline for prize recognizing two graduate students whose innovative research relies on biodiversity data accessed through the GBIF networkOn behalf of the network of national Participants, the GBIF Secretariat is pleased to invite nominations for the 2018 Young Researchers Award. This annual programme aims to foster innovative research and discovery in biodiversity informatics by graduate students whose master’s and doctoral studies rely on GBIF-mediated data.The 2018 programme will provide €5,000…

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only 7 days to go

Only seven days left until the 7th International Barcode of Life conference starts in Kruger National Park. The conference program is currently finalized. If you are curious you can get a sense here.The abstract volume published by Genome has also appeared today. Seems we are all set to go.Safe travels to all delegates!We will see each other here in a week.

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Two Postdocs at Naturalis Biodiversity Center

Naturalis Biodiversity Center is searching forTwo Postdocs to study spatial and temporal variability of marine biodiversity using an eDNA or metabarcoding approachIn collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Sciences at Leiden University (CML), Naturalisdevelops the Netherlands Center for Genetic Biodiversity Assessments, combining world leading expertise on taxonomy, ecology and genetics. Using our extended DNA reference collections, our high-tech lab facilities and our bioinformatics pipelines, we continuously improve and apply genetic biodiversity assessments, making them more rapid, accurate,…

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Metabarcoding and Metagenomics Journal is out

As announced before the new journal Metabarcoding and Metagenomics has been created by Pensoft and now it is officially running with the first few articles published. Here a part of the official press release:A new innovative open-access academic journal Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) is launched to welcome novel papers from both basic and applied aspects.Focusing on genetic approaches to study biodiversity across all ecosystems, MBMG covers a considerably large scope of research including environmental, microbial…

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Metabarcoding and Metagenomics Journal is out

As announced before the new journal Metabarcoding and Metagenomics has been created by Pensoft and now it is officially running with the first few articles published. Here a part of the official press release:A new innovative open-access academic journal Metabarcoding and Metagenomics (MBMG) is launched to welcome novel papers from both basic and applied aspects.Focusing on genetic approaches to study biodiversity across all ecosystems, MBMG covers a considerably large scope of research including environmental, microbial…

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