The King & Queen of OctoNation

Sy Montgomery (author: Soul of an Octopus) and Warren Carlyle (founder of OctoNation) on friendly octopuses, the Mayor of Octopus City, and their top octopus secrets from their new book Secrets of the Octopus that accompanies the National Geographic TV series. Second of a two-part interview about the wild world of octopuses! “We’re in the...

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Pause estivale ! / Summertime Pause!

Le Beagle reprendra ses posts réguliers en août / Le Beagle will return to posting regularly in Aug Conférences, travail sur le terrain, cours intensifs, et bien sûr quelques plaisirs d’été ! L’équipe Beagle reprendra ses activités régulières au mois d’août ! Nous sommes impatients de continuer à partager les articles des étudiant.e.s et des...

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Ahh the things we’ll do for an onion….

In early May of 2024, we drove and bushwacked into the depths of one area around Shasta Lake in search of the Minnesota Mountain Onion, a rare high-elevation, ridge-top dwelling onion described in 2022. The Northeast area of Shasta Lake takes patience to explore, especially with a non-4×4 vehicle, but it’s totally doable. We’ve been...

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