Biochemistry Poem: Cure

written by Umayeer Milky header by Hedy Liu CAR T-cell cancer therapy— survival strategy: find the heaviest weaponry in the nanoscale arsenal of the anatomy; make gene edits, grow in the laboratory. In the body, a retroviral delivery; haywire artillery, erratic toxicity: not sepsis, but a cytokine storm to harness the elements, hit the target. “cured …

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Travel story: Internship to improve risk management of Lyme disease for outdoor workers

By Erica Fellin, a PhD student at McGill University In April 2023, I was lucky enough to participate in a three-week internship at the Centre d’enseignement et de recherche en foresterie (CERFO) to develop my statistical modelling skills. CERFO is a College Center for Technology Transfer (CCTT) that offers environmental research services, knowledge transfer, and...

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