Shopping cart returns and a philosophy of collaboration

I used to be extremely diligent about returning shopping carts to cart-return corrals. But recently, at the supermarket where I usually shop, I’ve found myself being sloppier, and I’m having trouble being bothered by that. Why? A few months ago, the supermarket started installing fences and plexiglass barriers everywhere, tightly controlling entry and exit, and...

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Sheryl McFarlane: Introducing The Blue Canoe

Welcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by and about great Canadian children’s book creators! Today’s guest: Sheryl McFarlane. Take it away, Sheryl! Hi, I’m Sheryl McFarlane and I’m so excited to share my new picture book, The Blue Canoe. It’s published by Familius and beautifully illustrated by Laurel Aylesworth. Every cabin day is a paddle-on-the-lake...

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