Meet CASTOR, Canada’s answer to the Hubble Telescope

Artist’s impression of the CASTOR telescope. Image: CASTOR teamA made-in-Canada successor to the aging Hubble could be the most efficient way to bolster our space sector and attract top international talent. We just need the vision.By Dr. Tyrone Woods and Dr. Allison ManDr. Allison Man, UBC Physics and Astronomy, CASTOR working group member, and Dr. Tyrone Woods, University...

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Meet Our Experts: Connecting Industry to Science and Technology Solutions with Lucinda

Lucinda brings her deep understanding of all facets of mining operations and social sciences to her role as Director of Business Development at SRC, working with diverse communities and companies both local and international. Lucinda understands that strong working relationships are the key to business development, especially when providing services to clients.

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ORBCoN recaps the 19th Annual Transfusion Medicine Educational Symposium and Workshop

ORBCoN recaps the 19th Annual Transfusion Medicine Educational Symposium and Workshop Plasma Transfusion Blood Tuesday, June 18, 2024 Valérie Rhéaume This event summary was written by Valérie Rhéaume, North and East Ontario Regional Project Coordinator for the Ontario Regional Blood Coordinating Network (ORBCoN), and originally appeared in ORBCoN’s newsletter on June 17, 2024. It has...

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