The Constellation of Progress

What does progress mean to you? In November 2023, I met with my cohort for The Roots of Progress Fellowship in sunny San Francisco to tackle this question. We filled a wall with sticky notes of ideas, examples, and concepts. Certain categories of progress showed up: material, cultural, scientific, and health. We debated and discussed...

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Infrastructure is the Concealed Wiring of Our Civilization

Each winter, I set a goal of not slipping on ice during my runs. Each winter, I’ve failed. Bruised hips and scraped knees tell those tales. Darkness is the primary factor. A typical run begins long before there’s even a hint of morning light. My steps are never fully confident, the snow concealing potential danger...

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Increasing melting of West Antarctic ice shelves may be unavoidable – new research

Evgeny Kovalev SPB/Shutterstock Kaitlin Naughten, British Antarctic Survey; Jan De Rydt, Northumbria University, Newcastle, and Paul Holland, British Antarctic Survey Originally published at The Conversation based on research published in Nature Climate Change The rate at which the warming Southern Ocean melts the West Antarctic ice sheet will speed up rapidly over the course of...

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