CWD Project Update – Samples and Results are coming in

All Genome Alberta funded projects are reviewed regularly by outside experts to ensure the science, milestones, and budget are proceeding as planned. Our project on Chronic Wasting Disease funded under the 2015 LSARP Competition recently had its first review and the team received some positive feedback. Freelance Broadcaster Don Hill talked with Project Manager and researcher Dr. Cathy Cullingham about the review, and the project's initial samples and results. Here is our latest Progress Report.…

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CWD Project Progress Report – The Socioeconomic Factor

Our 2015 LSARP Project Systems Biology and Molecular Ecology of Chronic Wasting Disease is exploring how the disease is spread and how it can be detected sooner than current techniques. Another significant part of the project involves understanding the impact of new control and management strategies. CWD has a range of social and economic impacts in Alberta that are affecting hunters, First Nations people, and the deer farming industry. For the general public there is…

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CWD Project Progress Report – The Socioeconomic Factor

Our 2015 LSARP Project Systems Biology and Molecular Ecology of Chronic Wasting Disease is exploring how the disease is spread and how it can be detected sooner than current techniques. Another significant part of the project involves understanding the impact of new control and management strategies. CWD has a range of social and economic impacts in Alberta that are affecting hunters, First Nations people, and the deer farming industry. For the general public there is…

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Boosting Pig Resilience a Shot in the Arm for Industry

If you think caring for a sick toddler is a chore, try handling a 300 lb pig with a fever. It’s not a pretty picture, and neither is the bottom line for a pork producer when his herd is sick. That may be why the industry is excited about the potential of a Genome Alberta-led research project for harnessing genomics to improve disease resilience and sustainability in Canadian pork production. “When we talk to producers…

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In Cattle Genomics, Variation is the Spice of Life

When the phrase “variety is the spice of life” was first used in a poem called The Task, did the author imagine that “variation” would one day become a key ingredient in the task of genomic research? We’ll never know for sure, but we do know that the study of structural variants is a key component of a new Genome Alberta research project. The study aims to develop and apply more accurate genomically-enhanced breeding values…

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In Cattle Genomics, Variation is the Spice of Life

When the phrase “variety is the spice of life” was first used in a poem called The Task, did the author imagine that “variation” would one day become a key ingredient in the task of genomic research? We’ll never know for sure, but we do know that the study of structural variants is a key component of a new Genome Alberta research project. The study aims to develop and apply more accurate genomically-enhanced breeding values…

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NASA’s Big Announcement About ‘Oceans Beyond Earth’

                        Robert Pappalardo, Project Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory was the guest speaker at the Gallagher Colloquium Series presented by the University of Calgary this past Tuesday, April 11. As he was introduced we were told that “Rocket scientists are smart guys, this is the guy who tells them what to do. “ Indeed, exploring space is a big science that requires specialty knowledge in a wide range of scientific disciplines combining rocket science, earth…

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NASA’s Big Announcement About ‘Oceans Beyond Earth’

                        Robert Pappalardo, Project Scientist, NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory was the guest speaker at the Gallagher Colloquium Series presented by the University of Calgary this past Tuesday, April 11. As he was introduced we were told that “Rocket scientists are smart guys, this is the guy who tells them what to do. “ Indeed, exploring space is a big science that requires specialty knowledge in a wide range of scientific disciplines combining rocket science, earth…

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A sure sign of spring on the prairies

There are some sure signs of spring in my neighbourhood. I’ve seen a robin, and I’ve observed the flickers announcing their presence through drumming on streetlamps and chimneys. But for me the most reliable tracking of spring has been my yearly sighting of the first prairie crocus. I have been photographing my first crocus and sharing to Flickr every year for almost 10 years. This year was no exception, but I found to my surprise…

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New Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders

NEWS RELEASE | March 31, 2017 Genome British Columbia Vancouver, BC New Approach to Autism Spectrum Disorders offers Earlier Diagnosis and Treatment Options Vancouver, BC – Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASDs) are defined by significant challenges with communication, social reciprocity, and structured behaviour. ASDs are currently the most common childhood developmental disabilities with 1 in 68 individuals currently diagnosed with ASD. The lifetime cost for educational, health-care, and social services averages $5-8 million per person, and…

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