Sketch process for the Scarab-Trilobite

In late December, I unveiled a new winged trilobite that was not part of my initial round of sketches for The Field Guide to Flying Trilobites: Trinucleus ra, the Scarab-Trilobite. Here’s a look at the process. This sketch looks like pencil, but was done entirely in ArtRage Vitae. ArtRage is a wonderful digital painting platform for people who are used to painting traditionally, due to the lack of drop-down menus and the palette system. ©…

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2021 was a year of getting back into creative pursuits

Follow me on Instagram @FlyingTrilobite My 2021 was focused on image-making &;dr:🎨Worked on adding colour to The Field Guide to Flying Trilobites⛈️Ran the 6th(?) #SciArtTweetStorm in the spring. 🟣 Co-hosted weekly SciArt Chats with Julia Krolik - we started by alternating on Clubhouse and TwitterSpaces, and made the switch to Spaces by the end...

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Kamvas Pro 16 – graphics tablet review and contest details

TL; DR: If like me, you need some new tech for your digital illustration work, the Kamvas Pro 16 is a smooth-running and impressive tablet, with a great price point. The true test for me was that I found I was joyfully losing myself in the act of painting. Let’s run down the pros and cons of the Kamvas Pro 16. PROS:TECH: A gorgeous screen with brilliant colours, and excellent pressure sensitivity (8,192 levels) and…

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Trinucleus ra, the Scarab-Trilobite

© Glendon Mellow The scarab trilobite (Trinucleus ra) is an ancient, gold-smithed trilobite, haloed in blue flame. It arrests the light and gleams even in darkness. Only one has been found and is disquieting to behold. .☀Painted in ArtRage Vitae for the winter solstice (Dec 2021) with a Huion Kamvas Pro 16. I made a much-higher res version for publishing. Look for my Kamvas Pro 16 review soon (one was provided for the review). Might…

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