Outriding stress

There are a lot of criticisms of men on bikes, and I’m sure many are warranted. I probably have some blind spots to MAMILs (middle aged men in Lycra) as a 44 year old lifelong cyclist. But a few things. <thread>I’m a lifelong cycling commuter. Grew up in an upper middle class Toronto neighbourhood with a single mom. We lived under the poverty line. No car. I biked everywhere from grade 4-on.My childhood best friend…

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Bicyclophosaurus Tattoo – initial skull sketch

Been planning to get a new tattoo on my “cycling leg” for a while now. (Chains are on the right; cyclists often roll up the right pant leg so it doesn’t get caught in the chain.)  The image of the tattoo is smouldering quietly in my brain, and has been for over a year. I have the tattoo artist lined up.Now I just need to draw the thing.  Â  Initial Bicyclophosaurus skull exploration   I’m…

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Spiny Trilobite

2017 was a rough year, and 2018 has felt like rebuilding. I’m going to try and post some new art —a sketch, a painting, a drawing—  every Monday.  The Flying Trilobite blog is over 11 years old, and despite what looks like inactivity, I still blog, just professionally now. The first few years of my blog, I posted new art every Monday - and even when I stopped I had a traffic spike every Monday for years…

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An Asthmatic Cyclist

My trusty Jamis mountain bike.   A little over a year ago, my lifelong asthma was diagnosed as eosinophilic asthma — something about 5% of asthmatics have. Basically, my body produces too many eosinophilic white blood cells, which are great at fighting parasites like ringworm, and for causing bronchiole constriction. After a simple blood test and some insurance wrangling, I now receive a one-a-month injection of mepoluzimab, trade name Nucala by GlaxoSmithKline. At my first appointment, I said to…

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