Dream Big and Every Kid Should have Access to Science, International Science Centre and Science Museum Day

Artash, Speaker, International Science Centre and Science Museum Day, Ontario Science Centre 10 November is the International Science Centre and Science Museum Day designated by UNESCO and the theme this year is Science is a Human Right. To celebrate this Day, the Ontario Science Centre had organized an event and invited Artash to be one of the speakers (see the list of Speakers towards the end of this article). Artash wanted to share his passion…

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Performance: Deep Space Musical, RASC Toronto, Ontario Science Centre

On 7 November 2018, Artash and Arushi gave a performance of their “Musical of our Universe” at the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Toronto) Astronomy Night at the Ontario Science Centre. Building upon their award-winning project – Deep Space Musical at the NASA SpaceApps Toronto, they strung together three parts musical by transforming some of the iconic images of the Hubble Telescope into sound. The beats of the musical corresponded to the deep space object…

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Deep Space Musical (using Images from Hubble Space Telescope): Wins NASA SpaceApps 2018 Toronto

Artash and Arushi won the SpaceApps Challenge Toronto 2017 to become the Global Nominee Our project Deep Space Musical which creates a Musical of our Universe using images from the Hubble Space Telescope won 2 awards at the NASA SpaceApps Challenge Toronto 2018. It became the global nominee from Toronto to the NASA Space Apps Challenge 2018 and won the People’s Choice Award. We won the SpaceApps Toronto in 2017 too! And they also won…

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Project ABC: (A)rtificial intelligence for (B)etter (C)onsumer services win Honorable Mention (Genesys Hackathon)

Artash and Arushi won the Honorable Mention prize at the Genesys Hackathon The Genesys Hackathon was organised at the DevHub / LightHouse Labs Toronto on 13 – 14 October 2018. The goal of the hackathon was to come up with solutions to enhance consumer services . The HotPopRobot family team came up with project ABC: Artificial intelligence for Better Consumer service) and won the honorable mention prize. The project ABC used Artificial Intelligence and big…

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Top 5 TD Elevate Hackathon Winner: Smart Street Navigation Using Artificial Intelligence for City Kids (S.N.A.C.K) project

Our family team project: S.N.A.C.K (Smart Street Navigation Using Artificial Intelligence for City Kids)  was among the Top 5 TD Hackathon Winners.  Artash (Grade 7) took the lead in analysing data and writing machine learning algorithm, Arushi (Grade 4) was responsible for planning the physical demo, coding Arduino and relay, and Vikas (dad) was responsible for creating the presentation and submitting our project in time. Artash and Arushi with their S.N.A.C.K project at TD Elevate…

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Video: Modeling the Deep Space Network – From Earth to Outer Space

On July 18, 2018, Arushi, Artash and Vikas Nath gave a presentation at the Recreational Astronomy Night meeting of the RASC Toronto Centre on the Deep Space Network. The meeting was held at the Ontario Science Centre. They briefed on the value of the Deep Space Network for all the space missions. They presented their model of the Deep Space Network which they had creating using old solar system puzzle and was connected to NASA Deep…

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Launching Rockets with the Cambridge Rocket Club: Upwards and Higher!

This summer vacation we have decided to build up our knowledge of flying model rockets and learn the science behind rocketry. A few weeks ago, we attended a workshop organised by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (Toronto) about Rocket Making. There we learned the essential details about building rockets, motor sizes, packing parachutes, attaching fuses, and the electronic circuitry behind the launch pads. The workshop was very useful – it ignited our interests and…

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Using Micro:Bit for Rocketry: Experiential Learning (MoonHack)

Artash Nath (Grade 6) and Arushi Nath (Grade 3) We love Space, Robots and Rockets. As a part of the MoonHack 2018 Challenge we wrote this article to spread our joy and learnings while experimenting with Micro:bit for model rocketry. We are very much interested in building and launching model rockets. Recently we made 4 model rockets and launched them successfully. We wanted to go further and get data from our rocket, namely how high…

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Rocket Launches, Telemetry Data and Videos

On 7 July 2018 our Maker Family (Vikas, Artash and Arushi) launched several model rockets at the Carr Astronomical Observatory (CAO) as a part of the Open House and Awards Picnic of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto. These rockets were made by us a couple of weeks ago in a Rocket Making workshop organized at the same venue under the guidance of one of the Society volunteers: Tony Horvatin. As we are interested…

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Winning Jesse Ketchum Award of Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto

On 7 July 2018 our Maker Family was awarded the Jesse Ketchum Award by the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, Toronto. The Jesse Ketchum Award is presented to members who have done considerable work in the construction and/or application of equipment suitable for astronomical observation. We received the Award for our project: Solar-X for measuring the changes occurring during the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse. In particular we measured the changes occurring in temperature, visible light,…

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