Author: jeremy
Academic Wishlist
Bag of Examples
As a student in mathematics and physics, I’m part of two different worlds. On the one hand, proofs and abstraction come from the side of mathematics. On the other hand, physics is where concrete examples and applications are the norm. In physics (at least, within the scope of undergraduate education), we only care about the mathematical tools that we can apply to a given problem. Of the two camps, I find myself identifying more with…
I just love when I have a whole week of nothing (in which I could have done work!) and then this happens.
Only Numbers and Algebra
Learning mathematics in school and doing mathematics in general are not the same thing. This might seem obvious, but I worry a lot about students that don’t have a chance to realize this before they are turned off from mathematics forever. The reason is that the message which is sent to students throughout their years in elementary and secondary school is that mathematics is all about numbers, but this is false. Sure, a lot of…
To Read
After a while, it becomes painful to look at them and be reminded of the number of books I have to read.
Academic Treadmill
Minimal Assumptions
“What if you’re in the middle of an exam and don’t have time to rederive it?†“Ah, well that’s easy stuff. You shouldn’t forget about that!â€
More To Do
This is a problem all through academia. I strongly suggest a hobby (like drawing a webcomic) if you find yourself in this situation.