Free Time Fun

While each and every JOIDES Resolution expedition is unique in its own ways, Expedition 372 takes uniqueness to a whole other level. After 4 days in port and 2 days offshore of Australia getting our hull cleaned, we are finally in transit to our study area off the east coast of the north island of New Zealand. What’s so unique about that?…We have a roughly two-week transit across the Southern Ocean and Tasman Sea to...…

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Nautical Flags

I got a little curious about some of the nautical customs observed on the JOIDES Resolution – specifically about nautical flags and ship-to-ship communication. Fortunately, Second Mate Edmund Ancheta, who has been sailing on the JR since 2009, was kind enough to answer my questions and teach me about the various types of shipboard communications. His responses are paraphrased below. I’m curious to learn about nautical flags. What are nautical flags primarily used for? Nautical...…

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Is there ever enough time?

Fremantle, Australia and our study area in New Zealand are 5 hours apart. When it’s 12:00pm in Fremantle, it’s 5pm in New Zealand. Even though the ship becomes its own little world, as outreach officers our job is to keep up with the rest of the world to communicate what’s happening onboard. To do that, we have to know what time it is! We are currently on day 3 of a 3,407 nautical mile (6,310...…

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Hitchhikers at Sea

Millions of ships traverse the globe each day – crossing seas and oceans to bridge the gaps between continents. These ships bring goods and services from one country to another, harvest natural resources, or (like the JOIDES Resolution) do scientific research. While we may want the people on board these ships to travel from place to place, we don’t want “hitchhikers at sea” to do so too. Large ocean-going vessels, like the JOIDES Resolution, that...…

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Welcome Aboard Expedition 372!

Welcome to IODP Expedition 372: Creeping Gas Hydrate Slides and Hikurangi LWD!   Kia ora koutou! My name is Erin Todd and I am a seismologist in New Zealand with a passion for science communication and outreach! I’ll be one of the two Education and Outreach Officers to bring the science we are doing on expedition 372 directly to you! The science party and crew joined the JOIDES Resolution in Fremantle, Australia. Excitement on board...…

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Cretaceous Smackdown or When Geology Met Wrestling

The reigning champion is the unbreakable wrestler Gondwana. Gondwana is one of the original pro-geo wrestlers and will face off against the formidable team consisting of Hothouse and Place Shifter. Make no mistake, this is going to be a rough and tumble, hardcore match-up! Gondwana has been in this fight a long time and even though Plate Shifter and Hothouse are relatively new to the world of pro-geo wrestling, they seem to have boundless amounts...…

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