[Lab] Serious scholarly endeavors

We’re happy to present… DADBOD: An Integrated Database for Keeping Track of Biological Data PDF version here. The link to the DADBOD is here, but seriously, it’s not real. Well, okay, it exists, but barely. If we’ve piqued your interest about open data, check out: the Dryad Data Repository; Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity; DataONE; or this list from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) instead!

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Get your glow on!

Coral reefs are truly a sight to behold. Did you know that coral depends entirely on another organism to survive? Well, it’s true– and what’s more, under stressful conditions, corals eject their symbiotic roommates. This is called coral bleaching, because they lose all their glorious colors in the process. Global warming is unfortunately causing severe bleaching events in reefs around the world, especially in the famed Great Barrier Reef. New research in PNAS investigates just how…

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How wombats poop cubes

When it comes to wombats, two questions weigh heavily on our minds: How do they poop cubes Why do they poop cubes Thankfully, lots of other people have been wondering the same things. Question #1 has recently been answered by an interdisciplinary team of biologists and engineers (read up, people! https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/2018/11/wombat-poop-cube-why-is-it-square-shaped/). We may be clear on the how, but the why remains a mystery.  

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