Computer Science, Music, And Northern Lights

Last Wednesday, I travelled with several members of the Bridging the Digital Divide research team to the community of Rigolet, Nunatsiavut, located on the Labrador coast about thirty-five-minute flight north-east of Happy Valley-Goose Bay. The community lead numerous research projects that span health and environment and more, and I’ve been fortunate to work with and learn from themContinue reading "Computer Science, Music, And Northern Lights"

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New Review: Incomplete Estimates Of Genetic Diversity Within Species

Congratulations to Jarrett Phillips. His paper, Incomplete estimates of genetic diversity within species: implications for DNA barcoding, has just been published in the journal Ecology and Evolution. Jarrett, a Ph.D. Candidate in the Computational Sciences program in the School of Computer Science at the University of Guelph, has been exploring methods for estimating the sampleContinue reading "New Review: Incomplete Estimates Of Genetic Diversity Within Species"

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International Day Of Women & Girls In Science

Yesterday was the International Day of Women & Girls in Science, and many of my Twitter feeds were full of people celebrating the scientific contributions of women from around the world. In short, it was a day to celebrate how much of science has been and continues to be led and shaped by women, andContinue reading "International Day Of Women & Girls In Science"

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Congratulations Marshall

A few weeks ago, Marshall Asch, one of the undergraduate members of my lab joined several other School of Computer Science students at McMaster’s Delta Hacks hackathon. The annual hackathon brings together students from different disciplines to develop innovative tech solutions to a variety of challenges. Marshall is a research assistant working with the communityContinue reading "Congratulations Marshall"

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Save The Date – Pint Of Science Is Coming To Guelph

I’m excited to announce that the worldwide event known as Pint Of Science is coming to Guelph from May 20th until May 22nd. Mark your calendars! For those not in the know, Pint of Science is an event that takes place in more than 20 countries and 300 cities around the world. This includes 23 cities acrossContinue reading "Save The Date – Pint Of Science Is Coming To Guelph"

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The Evolution Of My Lab Meetings

Being on sabbatical for the past 5 months has given me the incredible opportunity to take a step away from my typical teaching and administrative load. It has given me time to catch up on other projects that always seemed to be sidelined because of other priorities and responsibilities. In short, sabbatical has been aContinue reading "The Evolution Of My Lab Meetings"

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Week One At Left

This week I’ve had the opportunity to spend my days working alongside the folks of in Maple Ridge, British Columbia with the first two interns (Nic and Xuan) of our Mitacs funded research program Mobile Mesh Technology for Improved Connectivity in Canada. It has been a busy but incredibly energizing week. While I won’t bore you with a play byContinue reading "Week One At Left"

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Congratulations Keefer

Huge congratulations to Keefer Rourke, who has been named recipient of the Co-op Student of the Year 2018 – Ian Pavlinic Memorial Award for Innovation. Keefer was nominated by Dr. Jason Ernst and Rachel Cheng of Left, where he spent the past eight months working on the RightMesh platform. During this time, Keefer was alsoContinue reading "Congratulations Keefer"

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Wireless Mobile Mesh Interns

I am happy to announce that Xuan Luo, MASc student at the University of British Columbia, is the newest Mitacs Accelerate intern for the Wireless Mobile Mesh Network research program. Xuan will be working on Objective 4.2 – Evaluation of Micropayment Channels Performance Limits, and the Effect on Network Performance Evaluation of Micropayment Channels PerformanceContinue reading "Wireless Mobile Mesh Interns"

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