Better Data, Please

After launching the Monitoring COVID-19 in Canada Dashboard, I sat down with my colleagues from the Ontario Veterinary College to reflect on some of the challenges we faced bringing it to life. We recently published our thoughts as part of the Canadian Science Policy Centre’s featured editorial series, Responses to COVID-19 Pandemic and its Impacts.Continue reading "Better Data, Please"

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COVID-19 Outpacing Other Leading Causes Of Death

As of April 22nd, COVID-19 is the cause of more deaths in Canada than what would be expected from homicide, automobile accidents, liver disease, or suicide. In the United States, COVID-19 deaths have also overtaken the expected number of deaths due to influenza & pneumonia, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, and cerebrovascular disease (such as stroke, aneurysms,Continue reading "COVID-19 Outpacing Other Leading Causes Of Death"

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Undergraduate Independent Study Opportunities – Summer 2020

I am currently recruiting senior undergraduate students to join my research lab this summer. There are numerous opportunities available but I am also open to discussing other ideas you might have. The projects (outlined below) span computer science, software engineering, data science, statistical modelling, risk assessment, community-engaged scholarship and pedagogy. In most cases, you willContinue reading "Undergraduate Independent Study Opportunities – Summer 2020"

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COVID-19 Compared To Leading Causes Of Death

After reading Not Like the Flu, Not Like Car Crashes, Not Like… by Ari Schulman, Brendan Foht, and Samuel Matlack from The New Atlantis, I decided I wanted to get a better sense of the size of the COVID-19 pandemic in both Canada and The United States. To do this, I pulled annual mortality counts based onContinue reading "COVID-19 Compared To Leading Causes Of Death"

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COVID-19 Over Time

Since physical distancing began, I’ve spent much of my time monitoring and analyzing COVID-19 data. This includes working with colleagues in the Ontario Veterinary College to develop a dashboard to visualize and better understand the spread of COVID-19 in Canada. During the process of developing the dashboard (coded by PhD student Kurtis Sobkowich), I spentContinue reading "COVID-19 Over Time"

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Update: The Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada Dashboard

On March 27th, we launched the Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada Dashboard. Over the last two weeks we have been working to update the dashboard as new and different types of data have become available. CLICK HERE TO LAUNCH THE DASHBOARD So what has changed? The dashboard is now available in both French and English, thanksContinue reading "Update: The Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada Dashboard"

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Show And Tell – 10 Years Later

The last few weeks have been challenging and unique (at best). And in this weird topsy-turvy strange new world in which we find ourselves, I think it’s important to take some time to celebrate the small things. Yesterday, while I was rage baking between meetings, a calendar prompt reminded me that today is the anniversaryContinue reading "Show And Tell – 10 Years Later"

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Introducing The Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada Dashboard

Undoubtedly, news of the COVID-19 pandemic has become a fixture in your daily lives. To better understand how the pandemic is affecting Canadians, I’m happy to introduce the Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada dashboard that I’ve been working on with several colleagues in the Ontario Veterinary College. The dashboard – which you can find here –Continue reading "Introducing The Monitoring COVID-19 In Canada Dashboard"

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MSc Seminar – Marshall Asch

Join us today for an MSc Seminar by Marshall Asch. Given the COVID-19 pandemic, Marshall will be presenting his talk online today at 4:00 pm using Zoom. If you want to join the meeting, please message me and I will send you an invite over email. Title: Incorporation of Human Mobility in Data Replication SchemesContinue reading "MSc Seminar – Marshall Asch"

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Statistics In A Time Of Crisis: COVID-19 Data Sources

If you are like me and you use statistics and data to help you better understand the world, you’re probably spending your spare time analyzing whatever data you can get your hands on. To help out, I thought I would create this post to provide a list of data sources that you might find useful.Continue reading "Statistics In A Time Of Crisis: COVID-19 Data Sources"

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