An Open Letter

If you are an instructor in any of Canada’s post-secondary institutions, you have most likely already experienced the significant disruption that the COVID19 pandemic has caused. As I’ve written in previous posts, we are in uncertain and unprecedented times and the anxiety this is causing is very real. And those anxieties are particularly acute forContinue reading "An Open Letter"

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Statistics In A Time Of Crisis

The last week has been strange to say the least. Much like you, I’m left wondering with how best to cope with a pandemic that has shifted our reality significantly. For me, coping is obsessively monitoring the confirmed COVID-19 cases. As I wrote in another post, knowing the data behind something helps me to betterContinue reading "Statistics In A Time Of Crisis"

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Congratulations Marshall

I am extremely excited to share that MSc Computer Science student, Marshall Asch, has been announced as the recipient of this year’s Erin Angus Graduate Engagement Student Award. Marshall has been working in my lab – first as an undergraduate student and recently as a graduate student – for several years. In the time thatContinue reading "Congratulations Marshall"

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Alan The Tenure Giraffe

Yesterday I received a very special delivery. His name is Alan, and he’s my Tenure Giraffe. A few questions have probably sprung to mind. What is a Tenure Giraffe? Why am I receiving a Tenure Giraffe now? Why is this Tenure Giraffe named Alan? And where do Tenure Giraffes come from? All great questions. AccordingContinue reading "Alan The Tenure Giraffe"

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The Evolution Of The Hackathon – Part II

What do you do when innovation is the goal, but the tool purported to achieve this goal – the hackathon – seems to be more successful at creating solutions in search of a problem? As described in a previous post, hackathons have traditionally been the domain of computer science and software engineering students. Unfortunately, thisContinue reading "The Evolution Of The Hackathon – Part II"

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Announcing The Pint Of Science Guelph Speaker Lineup

Are you ready Guelph? Because Pint Of Science Guelph is back with more dates, more speakers, and more science! This year, five different venues will host Pint Of Science Guelph (between May 10th and May 14th). And just like last year, we have a lot in store! Trivia, prizes, awesome talks, and several other thingsContinue reading "Announcing The Pint Of Science Guelph Speaker Lineup"

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The Evolution Of The Hackathon – Part I

In their early days, hackathons and design jams were touted as the place for innovation. How could they not be? Pile together a bunch of computer scientists and software engineers, add coffee and snacks, and presto change-o, you’ve got a shiny new solution to any number of life’s biggest challenges. Because solutions and innovation areContinue reading "The Evolution Of The Hackathon – Part I"

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