Social Media & Science

When I started using social media, I didn’t begin using it with the idea that it would be a venue for sharing my research. Instead, things slowly evolved to the point where I’m now managing numerous Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram accounts, as well as writing for several different blogs/websites1. Each has an intended purpose.Continue reading "Social Media & Science"

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Oak Tree 6 & ICON

Attention University of Guelph students. Have you wondered how to get more involved with our community but can’t seem to find time given your course schedule? Have you been looking for an opportunity to use your skills to build impactful solutions to real problems? Are you looking for a new kind of classroom experience? IfContinue reading "Oak Tree 6 & ICON"

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Qualifying Exam Presentation – Ali Al Hadwer

Join us February 24th in Reynolds 1101 for the qualifying examination of PhD student, Ali Al Hadwer. The public presentation of his PhD proposal will take place at 1:00 pm, followed by the formal examination period. Title: The Organizational Factors Influencing the Adoption and Usage of Cloud-Based Big Data Analytics in Education Institutes: The CaseContinue reading "Qualifying Exam Presentation – Ali Al Hadwer"

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Undergraduate Research Assistant Position Available

Are you an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph? Are you interested in computer science, mathematics & statistics, education, and/or biology? If so, check out this summer URA opportunity in Dr. Shoshanah Jacob’s lab. Dr. Jacobs and I are looking to hire an undergraduate student this summer to help us with two research projects:Continue reading "Undergraduate Research Assistant Position Available"

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Just Wing It

The Ford Government has changed the way they are funding Ontario universities. And the shift towards performance-based funding means that university administrators and faculty are spending a significant amount of time developing solutions to address the potentially devastating shortfalls that might be coming down the line. One solution that has been discussed involves the introductionContinue reading "Just Wing It"

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Undergrad Student Needed To Model Food Fraud

Are you a University of Guelph undergraduate student looking to complete a senior independent study course this coming fall? Do you have an interest in statistical modelling and computational sciences? Do you want to work on an interdisciplinary team? If so, this project might be for you. We are currently seeking a MATH*4600/STAT*4600/CIS*4900/CIS*4910 (or comparable)Continue reading "Undergrad Student Needed To Model Food Fraud"

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Protecting Biodiversity Through The Lens Of Genetic Diversity

In mid-December, the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services released a report on the status of global biodiversity. It indicates that our actions and the impacts of our actions (including millions of species at risk of extinction) “threaten the quality of life of future generations“1. The message is dire, and points to theContinue reading "Protecting Biodiversity Through The Lens Of Genetic Diversity"

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Rediscovering My Passion Through Boundaries

Building on my recent post A Life-Work Balance Review, I’ve decided that this semester I want to build on the boundaries that I began setting when I returned from sabbatical last September. To that end, I’ve decided I need to spend less time in meetings and more time thinking and writing. Sadly, given the day-to-dayContinue reading "Rediscovering My Passion Through Boundaries"

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