25 Years Later

Depending on the university, there’s a good chance that undergraduate students have been or will be moving back to campus this week. This is exactly the case for more than 5000 first year University of Guelph students who will begin moving into residence tomorrow. While move-in has been orchestrated in such a way as toContinue reading "25 Years Later"

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Special Lecture Series

Attention all first year students. Join me on Wednesday, September 4th in Rozanski 101 (from 2:30-3:20 pm) for Changing the World One Course at a Time. This active discussion is part of the 2019 University of Guelph Special Lecture Series, and will challenge you to consider how your discipline and your courses might be theContinue reading "Special Lecture Series"

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2020 Mitacs Globalink Positions Available

Are you, or do you know, an outstanding undergraduate student from Australia, Brazil, China, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Mexico, Tunisia, Ukraine, or United Kingdom looking for a unique research experience? If so, check out the Mitacs Globalink program, which has just released the 2020 list of approved summer internships. I am happy to announceContinue reading "2020 Mitacs Globalink Positions Available"

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The Challenge Of Work-Life Balance

On Friday evening, I jumped out of a perfectly good plane with my good friend Dr. Beth, and two of my students, Nic Durish and Marshall Asch. While this was not my first time skydiving, it got me thinking about some of the adventures I have had with my students, the potential benefits of extremeContinue reading "The Challenge Of Work-Life Balance"

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Qualifying Exam Presentation – Jamey Fraser

Join us July 25th in Reynolds 1101 for the qualifying examination of PhD student, Jamey Fraser. The public presentation of his PhD proposal will take place at 10:00 am, followed by the formal examination period. Title: Investigating student self-efficacy and engagement using automated feedback Abstract: Increased classroom sizes have diminished educators’ ability to provide students withContinue reading "Qualifying Exam Presentation – Jamey Fraser"

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Reflections: iBOL8 And The Midnight Sun

Today’s Reflections post was written by one of my doctoral students, Jarrett Phillips, a third-year graduate student in the School of Computer Science’s new Computational Sciences PhD program. Recently Jarrett travelled to Norway to attend and present some of his research at the 8th International Barcode of Life (iBOL) conference. These are some of hisContinue reading "Reflections: iBOL8 And The Midnight Sun"

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Congratulations Marshall

Please join me in congratulation Marshall Asch, who was just named to the College of Engineering & Physical Sciences Society of Excellence. Membership to the Society of Excellence is awarded to recent undergraduate students who have graduated with excellent academic records, and who have contributed to the community – either on or off-campus – inContinue reading "Congratulations Marshall"

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And That’s A Wrap

After many months of planning, Guelph’s first ever Pint of Science came to a close on Wednesday night with two outstanding talks about beer and bubbles by Marvin Dyck and Dr. Joanne O’Meara. By the time I got home on Wednesday evening, I was exhausted but extremely happy. Having had a few days to decompressContinue reading "And That’s A Wrap"

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