Travel Story: A rundown of my first scientific conference

By Adam-Emmanuel Tremblay, MSc student at McGill University In May 2024, I had the privilege of travelling to Vancouver for the very first time to attend the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE). I followed this up by going to my study area, Haida Gwaii, BC, to collect some samples...

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L’impact du chien hors de sa niche… écologique

Par Raphaëlle Fréchon, Étudiante en doctorat à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais Pour plusieurs, l’été est la saison des sorties en plein air…mais pour les propriétaires canins, planifier des activités en nature peut être compliqué puisqu’ils seront butés à plusieurs restrictions et interdictions. Certains applaudissent ces initiatives, d’autres les boudent. La cohabitation faune – animaux...

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Could This Be. . . Disinformation?

Header Image: From “Saying what we mean, meaning what we say: Managing miscommunication in archaeological prospection.” I want to briefly talk about a somewhat subtle method of spreading disinformation. This is not something that is unique to pseudoarchaeology, but I’m discussing it in that specific context. It’s known as “Just Asking Questions” (JAQ) and I...

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Science in Images: A hiss in the leaves

Photograph by Alexandre Turmaine, a MSc student at McGill University Here is a humble Common Garter Snake (Thamnophis sirtalis) taking a crepuscular crawl in the late  afternoon at the Oka National Parc in late April. This photo caught the instance when the individual pulled out its forked tongue to “taste me” so to speak. The...

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