People, climate, fire. The Future meets the Past, and decides it wants to do its own thing.

I’ve been very lucky to work with great co-authors over the past few years, and this year is no exception. Along with a raft of papers we are about to submit I just got notified that a paper we submitted a few months ago is now online in the Annals of the Association of American...

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ESA 2015 – On the way to a new century!

I’m involved in a Plenary Workshop this year, organized by some great folks at UNC-Chapel Hill.  I’m privileged to have been asked by these students, al of whom are currently Ph.D candidates.  They’ve taken a great idea and turned it into something that will be an excellent Plenary Session, with some (hopefully) long lasting impact....

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Explorations in outreach – Creating a Twitter bot for the Neotoma Paleoecological Database.

If you’ve ever been in doubt about whether you chose the right programming language to learn I want to lay those concerns to rest here. For many scientists, particularly in Biology or the Earth Sciences, there is often a question about whether you should be learning R, Python, Matlab or something else.  Especially when you’re...

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The long tail of under-representation

I am by no means an expert on the subject of under-representation in the sciences.  There are some excellent academic bloggers who have done some great work in discussing issues around race and gender in academia (including DNLee, the tweeters at and using #BlackandSTEM – EDIT: this is an amazing post by Dr. Chanda Prescod-Weinstein over at

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