Sarah Ruediger joins the Black Hole team!

We are really excited to have Sarah Ruediger join the regular Black Hole crew. Sarah is a postdoctoral fellow who is transitioning to a group leader position at University College London this coming June.  She is an outstanding neuroscientist (with first author papers in Nature, Nature Neuroscience and eLife) with a long list of fellowships and scholarships who has undertaken...

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EV-ening out the costs: a look into the challenges of electric vehicles

Fossil fuels have long been primary contributors to global warming and environmental destruction since the industrial revolution. One of the largest consumers of fossil fuels remains the automobile industry, with drivers releasing a whopping 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide into the air per vehicle annually. Metrics like this are what have demanded for the...

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Repackaging the future – Sustainable packaging in the pharmaceutical industry

The large quantities of consumable plastics used in day-to-day life science research does not go unseen. It is estimated that scientific research consumes approximately 5.5 million metric tonnes of plastic globally per year. Additionally, it is estimated that the pharmaceutical industry generates nearly 55% more toxic carbon emissions than the automotive industry, of which the...

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Where is additive manufacturing today and why isn’t it mainstream?

Additive manufacturing is the industrial production name for what’s more widely known as “3D printing”. While 3D printing may sound like some cutting-edge technology that only geeks or niched industry professionals will use, the idea behind it is quite simple. Essentially, 3D printing involves using a computer-aided-design (CAD) software to virtually slice a design into...

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Man’s Trash is a Microbe’s Treasure: Bioremediation as a pollution solution

Pollution is a growing problem around the globe and only increasing as industries rise to face the challenge of a booming population. Pollution from factories, oil spills, and heavy metal contamination can linger in the environment, leading to potentially catastrophic effects. These contaminants can leach into ground water and contaminate agricultural soil. Degradation of agricultural...

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Letter from the Editors – Volume 10 Issue 3

Since the first industrial revolution in the mid-1700’s where breakthroughs in science and engineering led to the unprecedented rise in production output, the abrupt growth that societies experienced allowed for larger population capacities and an increased quality of life. For a large part of history, this endless need to progress has caused a reckless craving...

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Adding “Green” to the Formula

Without realizing it, artificial chemicals have become the backbone of modern society. From plastic to cosmetics to pharmaceutical industries, chemical-producing sectors are making significant impacts on the current world, culturally and physically. However, with the boom of these industries, the daily manufacturing processes and the waste produced from them have also caused major pollution and...

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Thinking About the Future

In the 1980s, the United Nations defined sustainability as “attempting to meet the existing needs without comprising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” We collectively as a society need to make large-scale changes in how we live to ensure that our planet remains healthy. Understandably, it can be a daunting task to...

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Biodegradable polymers in biomedical applications: a sustainability perspective

Biodegradable synthetic polymers have been widely used in biomedical applications, such as in gene delivery, tissue engineering, diagnosis, medical devices, antibacterial/antifouling biomaterials, and as drug carriers. Their utility can be attributed to several factors, including their chemical and mechanical properties, smart responsiveness to diverse external stimuli and their improved processibility, functionality and degradability over other...

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