Diverting the Course for the End of the World as we Know it

Climate change, driven by human activities such as burning fossil fuels, threatens the natural bal­ance of our home on Earth. Already affecting the vast majority of regions around the globe, we have observed long-term shifts in weather and tem­peratures outside the range of natural variations of the solar cycle. From ris­ing sea levels to intense...

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Industry 4.0 and the Promises of Sustainability—Will it be enough?

In 1764, James Watts sat by a Newcomen Steam Engine and wondered—why waste all that steam with no direction? That question sparked the idea and the eventual invention of the separate condenser which fueled the first industrial revolution, creating the blueprint to the modern steam engines we use today. The first Industrial revolution began with...

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Shark Myths and Mysteries with Mark Leiren-Young

Skaana (@Skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung) talks sharks, Sharkwater (@teamsharkwater) and politics with Joseph Planta (@Planta) on a special shared episode with Planta On the Line @TheCommentary.ca Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments, oceans, and orcas. Join the Pod……https://www.patreon.com/mobydoll Spotify……………www.bit.ly/spotify-skaana Apple Podcasts………www.skaana.ca The Orca Bites Podcast (on anchor)………www.orcabites.com...

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Director Josh Zeman on a Lonely Whale, Lonely People and the Search for 52 Blue

Director Josh Zeman (@joshzeman)  on the quest for the loneliest whale in the world and shifting his focus from human mysteries to marine mysteries with his movie, The Loneliest Whale: The Search for 52.  “Just when you think you’ve had too much devil-worshipping and serial killers, you go and you spend a day working on...

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Filmmaker Nadine Pequeneza On The Right Ways To Save Right Whales

Filmmaker Nadine Pequeneza talks about meeting and fighting for the North Atlantic Right Whales Right Whales for her award-winning documentary, Last of the Right Whales, with Skaana (@Skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). Mark mentioning his campaign is authorized by Rayne Ellycrys Benu. Skaana podcasts connect you to news and experts and their discussions about environments,...

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Sustainable science: the future of high-quality research

This is a guest post from Sarah Ruediger. Dr. Ruediger is currently completing her postdoctoral research at the University of California San Francisco and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. She studied molecular biology at the University of Basel in Switzerland, and completed her doctoral training at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research. Her research...

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Microbiome Research is Blasting Off

“Our bodies are spaceships for mi­crobes” is Dr. Allen-Vercoe’s micro­biology lab motto at the University of Guelph. Amusing, yet completely on point. If earth is a rock hurtling through space harboring an extensive network of ecosystems, we can think of ourselves as a microcosm of the same phenom­ena. A single human body carries 39 trillion...

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Restoring the Balance of the Gut Microbiota: How Our Feces Can Help Fight Inflammatory Bowel

“FMT differs from other IBD therapeutics as the intended outcome for treatment is to ultimately cure IBD.” Everyone has heard of kidney, heart, or other organ transplantations but many people may be surprised to discover that transplanting intestinal microbes is emerging as a promising new treatment option for sever­al gastrointestinal, metabolic, and neurological disorders. Microbes...

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