Torontonians need more access to shorelines states 2019 Toronto Water Monitoring Report

“Water quality sampling in Toronto’s waters by Swim Drink Fish is important for many reasons. It engages the local officials and water users in collecting meaningful water quality data to share with the public on Swim Guide and it grows the movement of people working for swimmable drinkable fishable water.” — Mark Mattson, Lake Ontario...

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Orcas on Trump

In this episode, iconic orca mom, Tahlequah, talks to host Mark Leiren-Young about the upcoming US elections and what life is like for a whale in the Trump-era. Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod…… Spotify…………… Apple Podcasts……… The Orca Bites Podcast (on anchor) ……… – Skaana home…… Skaana on Medium…… Our Latest Orca Videos… – Facebook………… Twitter…………… Instagram………… Check out this special video content we made to…

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Wade Davis on Optimism, Decency and Saving America from Trolls

Anthropologist/author Wade Davis (@authorwadedavis) on optimism, decency, public service and saving America with Skaana (@skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). Part two of our special two-part election edition of Skaana featuring National Geographic’s Explorer-in-Residence and author of Magdalena: River of Dreams. “Whatever happens in November, it won’t mean the end of this incredible schism between the two halves of the American reality.” – Wade Davis Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod…… Spotify………………

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Wade Davis’s Thoughts on the Future of America and a Country Divided

By Izzy Almasi The United States is a country divided into Republicans and Democrats, haves and have nots, Biden and Trump supporters. But what does this mean for the future of America? According to world-renowned anthropologist and best-selling author Wade Davis, it means the American people have some work to do if they want to maintain their country’s status and legacy. “Whatever happens in November, it won’t mean the end of this incredible schism between…

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Wade Davis on Trump, Treason & COVID Chaos in America

Anthropologist/author Wade Davis @authorwadedavis talks about wading into US politics to warn about the end of the American era & the Trump virus with Skaana (@skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). A special two-part election edition of Skaana featuring National Geographic’s Explorer in Residence, the real-life Indiana Jones. For links on how/where to vote visit our show notes. “America was the land of Walt Whitman and the Grateful Dead. Abraham Lincoln couldn’t tell a lie. The…

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Discussing the Symptoms of COVID Culture, Donald Trump, and the American “Empire” with Wade Davis

By Izzy Almasi & Mark Leiren-Young Does Donald Trump’s irresponsible response to COVID mean the American Era is over? Wade Davis, the best-selling author and world-renowned anthropologist, thinks America’s response to COVID is a symptom that the country is diseased. “America was the land of Walt Whitman, the Grateful Dead. Abraham Lincoln couldn’t tell a lie. The current president cannot recognize the truth,” David told the Skaana podcast. “If Lincoln called for charity for all and malice…

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Issue 2, 2020 – Cover

Pandemics have impacted our society in different ways over the centuries. This is also the case of the current COVID-19 pandemic, which can be considered as the pandemic of the digital era. The reliance on the digital world has never been more crucial. Big data, mobile technology, and artificial intelligence have been adopted by many countries for a better pandemic management including planning, surveillance, contact tracing, testing, and health care strategies. An example of this…

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Letter from the Editors – Volume 8, Issue 2

“… NOW IS THE TIME, IF EVER THERE WAS ONE, FOR US TO CARESELFLESSLY ABOUT ONE ANOTHER.” – ANTHONY FAUCI The current COVID-19 pandemic has undeniably made an impact on the health and lives of many people around the world. More than any recent global event, it has also shed light on the complicated intersection of science, politics and economics. There are so many unanswered questions at the moment, and nobody knows when the end…

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Letter from the Chair – Volume 8, Issue 2

It seems like we are now living in a new reality, which has been shaped by the current COVID-19 pandemic. We are starting a new academic year that will be different from what we used to take for granted. The sense of what constitutes a new normal was likely felt by those that lived through previous pandemics, which equally impacted the world they knew. This issue of IMMpress Magazine gives us a clear-eyed perspective of…

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Zooming Forward -An Alumni Interview with Dr. Rupert Kaul

Dr. Rupert Kaul completed his medical training at the University of Toronto (UofT) in 1995 followed by a specialization in Infectious Diseases. After his medical training, Rupert took on a research fellowship in Nairobi, Kenya,where he investigated the epidemiology of HIV transmission within cohorts of Kenyan sex workers. Now, Rupert is a principal investigator in the Department of Immunology at UofT and the Director of the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University Health Network…

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