Policy and Politics
Science Policy, Intellectual Property, Funding, Government, Politicization of Science
Exploring Animal Emotions with Marc Bekoff
By Izzy Almasi “It’s not about how smart animals are. It’s about whether they can feel,†says author and animal-rights advocate Marc Bekoff in a recent interview with Skaana podcast host Mark Leiren-Young. “It’s not whether they can talk or think, it’s whether they can suffer.†A professor emeritus at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and Fellow of the Animal Behaviour Society, Bekoff has published 31 books exploring the inner lives of animals. He has worked closely…
Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Hannah McDonald from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper
For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Hannah McDonald from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper‘s Kingston Water Monitoring Hub. As the Citizen Science Monitoring Hub Coordinator at the Kingston hub, Hannah routinely samples Kingston’s waterfront, analyzes the water samples, and shares the water quality data with you on Swim Guide. MM: Tell me a little...
Marc Bekoff on Animal Emotions, Rights and Personhood
Author and educator Marc Bekoff talks about animal emotions, his work with Jane Goodall and who you’re eating for dinner with Skaana (@skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung).  “It’s a matter of who we eat, not what we eat. Who’s for dinner, not what’s for dinner. It’s the animals who eat the animals, who we keep in cages, who we keep in aquariums… Words matter.†Marc Bekoff Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod…… https://www.patreon.com/skaana Skaana home….. skaana.org “Your…
SRC Virtual Visit: Author Mark Leiren-Young
Explore our Universe this summer with North Vancouver District Public Library and North Vancouver City Library! Join us for a virtual visit with author Mark Leiren-Young. Mark is the author of Orcas Everywhere: The Mystery and History of Killer Whales, Orcas of the Salish Sea and Big Whales Small World. Tune in to learn about Mark’s books, and of course, orcas! This program is offered in partnership with North Vancouver City Library. Registration required as space is limited. We’re hosting…
Un vaccin pour l’automne?
Un vaccin pour l'automne? Covid-19 | Jeunesse jeu 13/08/2020 - 13:41 Blogue Santé/médecine COVID-19 : dépister la désinfo COVID-19 : dépister la désinfo
NUCFLASH Ã La Macaza Chapitre 4 : Camp X
Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Sadie Caron from Swim Drink Fish
For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Sadie Caron from Swim Drink Fish. As Western Programs Manager, Sadie ensures the Vancouver Water Monitoring Hub is routinely sampling Vancouver’s waterfront, analyzing the water samples, and sharing the water quality data with you on Swim Guide. MM: Tell me a little bit about yourself and...
Mieux comprendre le déclenchement de l’accouchement
Mieux comprendre le déclenchement de l’accouchement Dire mar 04/08/2020 - 08:49 Blogue Santé/médecine Dire
NUCFLASH à La Macaza Chapitre 3 : Le laboratoire de Montréal
NUCFLASH à La Macaza Chapitre 3 : Le laboratoire de Montréal Yvan Dutil dim 02/08/2020 - 17:53 Blogue Physique et maths