Checking In: @waterkeepermark and the Gord Edgar Downie Pier

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson checks in with Kingston’s Gord Edgar Downie Pier. The Gord Edgar Downie Pier is a flagship Great Lakes restoration project, in part made possible by The W. Garfield Weston Foundation. Swim Drink Fish attended the unveiling of the Gord Edgar Downie Pier In July 2018. Since it opened, this swimming pier has become one of Lake Ontario’s most popular swimming destinations.Q: How often do you visit the Gord…

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Meredith Brown, Riverkeeper Emeritus

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Meredith Brown, Riverkeeper Emeritus for Ottawa Riverkeeper. Meredith Brown is known throughout the Ottawa River watershed as the founding Executive Director and Riverkeeper for Ottawa Riverkeeper. Over 15 years, she raised the profile of the Ottawa River and brought together community organizations, all levels of government,...

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Meredith Brown, Riverkeeper Emeritus

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Meredith Brown, Riverkeeper Emeritus for Ottawa Riverkeeper. Meredith Brown is known throughout the Ottawa River watershed as the founding Executive Director and Riverkeeper for Ottawa Riverkeeper. Over 15 years, she raised the profile of the Ottawa River and brought together community organizations, all levels of government, First Nation leaders, industry, and civil society to work collaboratively to protect and restore the health of the watershed. Meredith…

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Checking In: Bluffer’s Beach and @waterkeepermark

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson checks in with Bluffer’s Beach in Toronto. In the early 2000s, Bluffer’s Beach was the subject of one of Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s first efforts to restore beach water quality. Today, Bluffer’s Beach is one of Toronto’s top swimming beaches. Q: How often do you visit Bluffer’s beach?A: Almost...

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Checking In: Bluffer’s Beach and @waterkeepermark

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson checks in with Bluffer’s Beach in Toronto. In the early 2000s, Bluffer’s Beach was the subject of one of Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s first efforts to restore beach water quality. Today, Bluffer’s Beach is one of Toronto’s top swimming beaches. Q: How often do you visit Bluffer’s beach?A: Almost every day...even if from Bluffs above the beach. I walk down and visit a couple of times a week. It…

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