Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Lynda Lukasik from Environment Hamilton

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Lynda Lukasik, Executive Director, Environment Hamilton.Dr. Lynda Lukasik is a long-standing champion for swimmable, drinkable, fishable water. In 1999-2000, Lynda played an incredible role as a community advocate and private informant in the conviction of the City of Hamilton for polluting Red Hill Creek. As part...

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Lynda Lukasik from Environment Hamilton

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Lynda Lukasik, Executive Director, Environment Hamilton.Dr. Lynda Lukasik is a long-standing champion for swimmable, drinkable, fishable water. In 1999-2000, Lynda played an incredible role as a community advocate and private informant in the conviction of the City of Hamilton for polluting Red Hill Creek. As part of that private prosecution, she worked with the late Doug Chapman, Counsel, and Mark Mattson, lead environmental investigator. Following that…

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Swim Drink Fish Ambassador William Tozer

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Swim Drink Fish Ambassador William Tozer.William Tozer is the co-founder, educator, and Watermark Collector of Camp Onakawana in northern Ontario. This camp is for Indigenous youth to build community and learn skills that generate confidence in the great outdoors. The Tozers were the first Swim Drink...

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Swim Drink Fish Ambassador William Tozer

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Swim Drink Fish Ambassador William Tozer.William Tozer is the co-founder, educator, and Watermark Collector of Camp Onakawana in northern Ontario. This camp is for Indigenous youth to build community and learn skills that generate confidence in the great outdoors. The Tozers were the first Swim Drink Fish supporters to bring the movement to northern Canada. Learn more at How are you?WT: Fine. I’m alive. I’d…

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Ta’Kaiya Blaney Quotes

Ta’Kaiya Blaney Actor and Activist “Activism doesn’t have to just look like one thing. It can be art, it can be creative resistance, it can be social-media-based. Do what you love to protect what you love.” “Activism doesn’t have to just look like one thing. It can be art, it can be creative resistance, it can be social-media-based. Do what you love to protect what you love.”  “I grew up around elders and relatives in…

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Ta’Kaiya Blaney on Art, Activism and the Power of Young People Speaking Out for Climate Justice

Actor and activist Ta’Kaiya Blaney (@TaKaiyaBlaney) talks about activism, art and the power and importance of young people speaking out for climate justice with Skaana (@skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). “Activism doesn’t have to just look like one thing. It can be art, it can be creative resistance, it can be social-media-based. Do what you love to protect what you love.” Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod………

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Swim Drink Fish Ambassador Lauren Brown Hornor

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Swim Drink Fish Ambassador Lauren Brown Hornor. Lauren Brown Hornor is a both an Ambassador and Strategic Partnership Lead for Swim Drink Fish. She is a Florida native with a love of water and long history in the Swim Drink Fish movement. As an attorney with...

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Swim Drink Fish Ambassador Lauren Brown Hornor

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Swim Drink Fish Ambassador Lauren Brown Hornor. Lauren Brown Hornor is a both an Ambassador and Strategic Partnership Lead for Swim Drink Fish. She is a Florida native with a love of water and long history in the Swim Drink Fish movement. As an attorney with the Waterkeeper Alliance in New York, Lauren provided legal support and guidance to many Waterkeeper organizations. She helped launch Fraser…

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