Policy and Politics
Science Policy, Intellectual Property, Funding, Government, Politicization of Science
Ces très petits êtres qui bouleversent nos vies
Ces très petits êtres qui bouleversent nos vies Blogue Le cerveau à tous les niveaux lun 16/03/2020 - 16:40 20243 Biologie Blogue Le cerveau à tous les niveaux
Submission to Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan Committee
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Hamilton Harbour and Region Remedial Action Plan (HHRAP) team has released a report entitled Status Report on the Degradation of Aesthetics Beneficial Use Impairment (BUI) XI in the Hamilton Harbour Remedial Action Plan (“Hamilton RAP Report†or 1 the “Reportâ€). The Report presents findings from aesthetic observations and makes the case that the status of this BUI be re-designated from “Impaired†to “Not Impaired.†The Hamilton RAP Report suggests that Hamilton Harbour’s waters are…
Les médias sociaux, vecteurs de désinformation sur les vaccins
Les médias sociaux, vecteurs de désinformation sur les vaccins Blogue Pascal Lapointe mar 10/03/2020 - 14:26 20229 Santé/médecine Blogue Éducation aux médias et à l'information
Voir un comportement comme une boucle de contrôle, mais à l’extérieur de l’organisme
Voir un comportement comme une boucle de contrôle, mais à l’extérieur de l’organisme Blogue Le cerveau à tous les niveaux mar 10/03/2020 - 10:53 20228 Biologie
Un tour de magie mathématique
Un tour de magie mathématique Blogue Arithm'Antique mar 03/03/2020 - 12:06 20216 Physique et maths Blogue Arithm'Antique
Des stratégies bottom up et top down pour prédire au mieux ce qui vient
Des stratégies bottom up et top down pour prédire au mieux ce qui vient Blogue Le cerveau à tous les niveaux lun 02/03/2020 - 14:09 20212 Biologie
La transmission latine des mathématiques grecques
La transmission latine des mathématiques grecques Blogue Arithm'Antique sam 29/02/2020 - 16:00 20210 Physique et maths Blogue Arithm'Antique
A Citizen’s Guide to the Wastewater Data Published on the Open Government Portal
With the release of the Wastewater Systems Effluent Regulations reported data, Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) has taken a tremendous step towards public transparency concerning sewage pollution in Canada. The information-packed wastewater datasets allow communities to better understand when and where sewage pollution might impact local waters. This information is key to inspiring change like the restoration of waters impacted by sewage pollution, and infrastructure upgrades in cities with combined sewer systems and in…
Erich Hoyt on Protecting the Oceans, Listening to Whales and the Origins of Our Love Affair with Orcas
Erich Hoyt (@erichhoyt) – the man who wrote the book on Orcas (almost all the books) – talks about how he and the world learned about orcas, saving our oceans and more with Skaana (@Skaanpod) host Mark Leiren-Young (@leirenyoung). Erich’s books include: Orca The Whale Called Killer; The Encyclopedia of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises; Marine Protected Areas for Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises; Weird Sea Creatures and much, much more. This is our first two-part episode… in part…