Q&A on the Importance of Mentorship in Immunology

This year, the Department of Immunology launched its inaugural mentorship program, which pairs senior graduate students with incoming students. The goal of the program is to have the assigned mentor act as the go-to person for first-year students, ultimately helping them navigate the new program, school, or even country. This initiative is a great start to fostering more mentorship opportunities within the Department, with room for future improvement and growth. As such, I conducted a…

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CAR-T Cell Immunotherapy: The Miracle Child of Science?

It is 7 o’clock in the evening. 45-year-old Jane Doe is rushed to the ER with a fever, rapid heart rate, shallow rapid breathing, low blood pressure and nausea. She receives saline to improve blood pressure, but improvements are minimal. Laboratory tests return negative for infection and liver and kidney injury. Jane is treated with multiple vasopressors to raise blood pressure and an antagonist for human interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptor. She is diagnosed with severe Cytokine…

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Frequently Asked Questions: Sewage spill in Chedoke Creek, Hamilton Harbour

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has been closely following the massive sewage spill in Chedoke Creek since it was first reported. We were very dismayed to read about the four-year-long sewage leak into Coote’s Paradise and the lack of transparency with the public. It was announced that the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks has launched an investigation into the spill. We look forward to hearing the results of that process. You can also read Waterkeeper Mark Mattson’s…

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