Science Borealis seeks to be an open, engaging forum for both readers and writers, and the editors are committed to making this space welcoming to all users. Please keep your comments and content respectful, and refrain from posting obscene, vulgar or otherwise offensive material. If you see any inappropriate material on the site, please contact the editors.
Any comments or content that contain material that is racist, misogynistic, homophobic, or otherwise hateful or contemptuous on the basis of mental or physical disability, national or ethnic origin, gender identity, or religion will be deleted. Threats or personal attacks, and defamatory statements will not be tolerated. Users who post such material will be banned and/or have their feeds removed from the site as appropriate.
Since Science Borealis is a site that reflects the contributions of many members of the online community, the Science Borealis blog serves to highlight that work, and as such is not an appropriate platform for personal promotion (unless specifically solicited). However, science is inevitably political, and political discourse has a significant impact on how and what science is done in Canada. As such, respectful political discussion is encouraged on Science Borealis.
Content on the Science Borealis blog (including highlighted contributions from the community) should include proper citations, links, and acknowledgements where appropriate – including images. We want to give credit where credit is due for other peoples’ work, and we strongly encourage our members to do the same.
In summation, the Science Borealis blog should reflect the vision and values of the Canadian science communication community, and while debate and discussion is encouraged, please be respectful and considerate when posting and commenting.