This December, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the […]
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L’impact du chien hors de sa niche… écologique
Par Raphaëlle Fréchon, Étudiante en doctorat à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais Pour plusieurs, l’été est la saison des sorties en plein air…mais pour les propriétaires canins, planifier des activités en nature peut être compliqué puisqu’ils seront butés à plusieurs restrictions et interdictions. Certains applaudissent ces initiatives, d’autres les boudent. La cohabitation faune – animaux...
Slippery Slope
New Podcast Alert: Zazie Todd on the Tree Lady Talks Podcast
I was a guest on the Tree Lady Talks podcast (and these adorable dogs introduce the episode).Tree Lady TalksBy Zazie Todd PhDI was interviewed by Sharon Durdant-Hollamby on her amazing podcast for nature lovers, Tree Lady Talks.We chatted about how to help fearful dogs as well as the importance of counteracting outdated myths about dogs...
Bark! Fest Recording: Dogs, Trauma, and Both Ends of the Leash with Patricia McConnell PhD
Watch the recording of the panel at Bark! Fest, the book festival for animal lovers, with Patricia McConnell PhD talking about The Education of Will.Zazie Todd PhD, Kristi Benson, and Patricia McConnell PhD chat at Bark! Fest 2024 and hold up the books.By Zazie Todd, PhDThis page contains affiliate links which means I may earn...
Lay Science Writing Competition 2024: Evaluating umbilical cord blood transfusion efficacy and safety in neonates
Lay Science Writing Competition 2024: Evaluating umbilical cord blood transfusion efficacy and safety in neonates Transplantation Organs and Tissues Plasma Stem Cells Transfusion Blood Thursday, October 17, 2024 Mahsa Yazdanbakhsh Our partnership with the Centre for Blood Research (CBR) at the University of British Columbia is helping to train the next generation of researchers in...
Rockies 2024
Two years ago, in 2022, we went to the Rockies for our 20th anniversary. We went back in December of 2022 because we enjoyed our fall trip so much, but it was the coldest December in years at -40°C! We had planned to go back in October of 2023, but due to my illness we...