From Our Own Borealis Blog

From Imposter Syndrome to Expert Grubber

This December, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the […]

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Blog Feeds

Bark! Fest Our Bond With Cats: Sarah Chauncey, Sassafras Patterdale (Lowrey), Rachel Wells

Join us to celebrate our love of cats with these three authors.By Zazie Todd PhDOur Bond with Cats: Sarah Chauncey, Sassafras Patterdale (Lowrey), Rachel WellsReflect on what cats mean to us and the many ways they influence our lives with these 3 feline authors.  Sarah Chauncey’s heartfelt P.S. I Love You More Than Tuna is...

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Introduction to AI and Quantum Computing: The Next Frontier in Computer Hardware Engineering

By Srikar Gummadi Computer hardware is everywhere. From the phone you look at in the morning when you wake up, to the infotainment system you use in your car to change music. Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer or electronic (external or internal) that a user can interact with. The landscape of...

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Heather Stemp: How My Family’s Link to Amelia Earhart Became a Series

Welcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by and about great Canadian children’s book creators! Today’s guest: Heather Stemp. Take it away, Heather! I began writing Amelia & Me, the first book in the Ginny Ross Series, when Amelia Earhart dropped into my family history. The convergence of Amelia’s history with my own was an opportunity...

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Bark! Fest Canine Crime and Mystery: Antony Johnston, Louisa Scarr, Philipp Schott DVM

Join us to learn more about these suspenseful novels with compelling canines.By Zazie Todd PhDCanine Crime and Mystery: Antony Johnston, Louisa Scarr, Philipp Schott DVMIf you love crime and mystery novels, you’re in for a treat as dogs help solve crimes in these remarkable books. When a singer dies in mysterious circumstances, dog sitter Gwinny...

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Bark! Fest. Canine Emotions and Perception: Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, Cat Warren

Sign up for this entertaining and informative event about dog's emotions and perceptions with Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, and Cat Warren. By Zazie Todd PhDCanine Emotions and Perception: Marc Bekoff PhD, Zazie Todd PhD, Cat WarrenDiscover the role of emotions and perception in dogs’ lives. In Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things...

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