A conversation with  and call to action from  Andrew J. Hoffman

There is a small moment in the show with some racy language, for a bleeped versions – head here: https://soundcloud.com/cjlo1690am/the-worlds-we-want-ep-8

About our guest

Andrew (Andy) J. Hoffman is the Holcim (US) Professor of Sustainable Enterprise at the University of Michigan; a position that holds joint appointments in the Stephen M. Ross School of Business and the School of Environment and Sustainability.

A small selection of Andy’s publications for general audiences:

Other, related, reads from Andy Hoffman

Things mentioned in the show

To Read:

Music featured in this episode:

We also make use of a lot of material from Freesound.org — like Setuniman’s piano loop 0Y83, Lemoncreme’s Ambient Piano Music #1, embracetheart’s City Traffic (Outdoor), Piano, Bach Fantasia, AdamJordaan140087’s pouring water

Places for academics to share their work 

On Measuring Impact

Other interesting things to consider

Looking for academics with specific expertise? Consider these websites:

  • Women Also Know Stuff is an initiative with the objective of helping women academics publicize their expertise. You’ll find a bank of women scholars, their expertise and what there looking to do to publicize their work (e.g. interview, serve as panelist, etc).
  • People of Colour Also Know Stuff is a similar initiative, but for visible minorities. 

If you want to SEE Andy Hoffman give the entire presentation “Academia’s Crisis of Relevance and the Emergent Role of the Engaged Scholar” (it’s worth it just to see his sweet sabbatical beard) check it out here:

Also, we recently joined Science Borealis! This is a network of Canadian blogs about science and sciency things, you should check ‘em out, eh?