We Have a Lift Off…  building and launching rockets!

The E.C. Carr Astronomical Observatory (CAO) of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC), Toronto is celebrating its 20th Anniversary this year. As a part of the celebrations, a rocket-making workshop was organised at the Observatory on 23-24 June 2018 by Tony Horvatin, one of the RASC volunteers. We have known Tony for several years. Among many other things, he organises the rocket launches during the annual Open House and Awards Picnic at the CAO. Two…

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RASC/Ontario Science Centre Presentation: Predicting Risk Index of Asteroid Collision using Artificial Intelligence

Artash and Arushi Nath presented their project on predicting asteroid collisions to the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada – Toronto Centre. Its Recreational Astronomy Night meeting was held at the Ontario Science Centre on June 20, 2018. More details of this project is available at: https://hotpoprobot.com/2018/03/06/space-rex-predict-risk-index-of-asteroid-collision-using-a-i-and-display-the-data-musically-in-10-steps-and-40-hours/

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Deep Space Dreams: Earth to Outer Space

When a Satellite in space sends out a signal, does anyone hear it? Yes! The NASA’s Deep Space Network (DSN) is our ears to the universe. It’s the world’s largest and most sensitive scientific telecommunications system for making and receive long-distance calls between Earth and outer reaches of our solar system! Whether we are communicating with Curiosity Rover on Mars or with the Voyager-1 probe in the interstellar space, the communication passes daily through the NASA’s Deep…

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Our Artificial Intelligence-based Asteroid Collision Risk Prediction project @ Future World 2018 Conference Toronto

The Future World 2018 Conference is being held in Toronto on 9 June 2018. The focus of the event is on: The rise of robots, artificial intelligence, and smart machines. The conference will explore how machine learning, robotics, and AI are transforming our world. To put it very mildly, the event excites us. But we have been looking forward to this events for weeks as it is bringing together people who are on frontlines of application in…

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Thank you @MakerExpo 2018: The Maker Journey Continues!

HotPopRobot Family team already set up at the start of MakerExpo on 2 June 2018 The MakerExpo held over 2 days from 2-3 June 2018 in Kitchener ended successfully. We participated in this event for the first time and we enjoyed it very much. It was a busy weekend for us. Over the course of two days, we exhibited several of our projects, gave two speaker talks, fought with our robots in the BattleBots competition,…

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Exhibits, Demos, Talks, and Battle Bots @MakerExpo Canada, 2-3 June 2018

The HotPopRobot will be participating in the Maker Expo in Kitchener, Ontario on 2-3 June 2018. Maker Expo is a diverse family-friendly showcase of makers, artists & organizations who create amazing things in celebration of the do-it-yourself spirit. We have participated in several Maker Festivals in Toronto, New York, Delhi, and Ahmedabad. But this will be our first-time participation in Maker Expo in Kitchener and we are looking forward to it. We will be bringing several…

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Research Balloon Mission-4 (Cubes in Space) Approved: Space Radiation, CubeSats and Commerical Off-The-Shelf Technologies (COTS)

My Cube in Space that will fly on NASA High Altitude Balloon I am excited that my project proposal to study the impact of Space Radiation on electronic components for the CubeSats has been accepted to fly into NASA zero-pressure, high altitude, scientific balloon via the “Cubes in Space” programme. I will be sending my payload 40 km up in space to study the impacts of radiation on common “Commerical off-the-Shelf Technologies (COTS)” that I use in my…

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Outreach @University of Toronto, Science Rendezvous 2018

On 12 May 2018, HotPopRobot team set up their stall on St. George Street, Toronto as a part of the Science Rendezvous 2018 event organised by the University of Toronto. Science Rendezvous is a free annual all-day festival that brings science out of the lab and onto the street with the ultimate goal of improving student enrolment as well as public involvement in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (S.T.E.M.) fields. It occurs at over…

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Learnings from The Knowledge Society (TKS) Summit 2018, Toronto

Learnings from The Knowledge Society (TKS) Summit 2018 and how I plan to apply them in Space and Robotics Artash Nath I was very excited to be selected as a participant for The Knowledge Society Summit (TKS) held in Toronto on 12 May 2018. And I was prepared well for it. I had written a few articles on the Slack platform of the Summit about my learnings from the two public lectures I had previously…

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Science Communication: At Science Rendezvous via the Perimeter Insititute and the University of Toronto

It was a wonderful week for data science in Astronomy for us! The Perimeter Insitute: Artificial Intelligence and the Complexity Frontier On May 2, the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics broadcasted its public lecture “Artificial Intelligence and the Complexity Frontier” by Roger Melko (Associate Faculty, Perimeter Institute and University of Waterloo).  It was a very insightful lecture on machine learning, artificial intelligence (A.I), and fundamental physics and delivered in an easy to understand and jargon-free method,  full…

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