This is Why … science centres are so important

A few weeks ago, I unilaterally declared it to be #ScienceCentreSeptember and decided to spend the month exploring the invaluable contributions these play-spaces make to society in weekly posts on LinkedIn. I thought it might be worthwhile reproducing these musings here, all in one post, as a topic that is as important to me as...

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This is Why … Shark-skin inspired swimsuits are now dead in the water

The field of biomimicry is one that takes inspiration from nature in designing new technologies. I could probably start a new blog focused exclusively on posts about biomimicry – from concussion-preventing sports equipment inspired by woodpecker’s skulls and the aerodynamic design of high-speed trains from kingfisher’s beaks, to super strong artificial fibers based on spider...

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This is Why … The Colour Blue is as Rare as a Blue Moon

Now emerging from a long, grey winter in southern Ontario, our daily walks around the neighbourhood are becoming a technicolour experience, with flowers popping up and trees leafing out everywhere. (C)Ian Lee Daffodils dripping in their canary-colored finery, tulips blazing in fiery displays, pink canopies dancing overhead and every shade of green gleaming underfoot; spring...

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This is Why … Animal Magnetism is More Important than You Might Think!

Imagine if people had their own built-in compasses – this would be hugely helpful to us in navigating around in Earth’s magnetic field. Unfortunately, humans can’t innately sense Earth’s field, but a particular type of bacterium can and puts its internal compass to good use in orienting itself in its environment. This magneto-sensing trait is...

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This is Why … Giraffes and Garlic Bulbs Share a Mathy Secret

What do giraffe spots, garlic bulbs, tree canopies, and ice formations all have in common? They are just a few gorgeous examples of Voronoi patterns, also known as Thiessen polygons or Dirichlet tessellations. I’ve been thinking about Voronoi patterns a lot lately because they have inspired our architecture friends in their visualizations of the science...

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