A Very Snail-y Spring, BioBlitzing SoCal’s Rare Snails

We didn’t set out this spring to document as many snails as possible, but that’s essentially what happened. During the winter of ’23-24, we were based in one of our favorite spots, the remote community of Fernbrook, in San Diego County. Normally, the winter is full of mushrooming and tidepooling, but this year, we ended...

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This is Why … The Colour Blue is as Rare as a Blue Moon

Now emerging from a long, grey winter in southern Ontario, our daily walks around the neighbourhood are becoming a technicolour experience, with flowers popping up and trees leafing out everywhere. (C)Ian Lee Daffodils dripping in their canary-colored finery, tulips blazing in fiery displays, pink canopies dancing overhead and every shade of green gleaming underfoot; spring...

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