Note pour mes lecteurs/commentateurs

Je viens d’apprendre que plusieurs commentaires de 2017 à 2019 ne m’ont pas été signalés par mon système. Cela incluait deux longues réflexions – finalement, une seule en deux parties – de Gilles Gagné de l’Université Laval et indépendamment – 1. et 2. Le texte de Gilles Gagné représente une perspective sur la science qui mérite d’être lue. Mieux, je suis d’accord avec presque le tout, et cela m’a ramené à relire l’article qu’il commentait.…

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Painting a picture through time

This summer, I completed several baseline inventories of new nature reserve properties. A baseline inventory is an initial report about the features of a property. The process includes making a list of all the species found, with a particular focus on invasive species and species at risk, and visiting every vegetation community to understand the stewardship needs of the property. I also record any anthropogenic or built features, including buildings, fences, signage, etc. Finally, I…

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Conspirituality, from the Past to the Present, with Susannah Crockford

Title image: The top of a 4-page pamphlet Brother XII published in 1926, announcing the formation of the Aquarian Foundation and the work they were about to begin (pamphlet is from my own collection) Recently Twitter introduced a new concept called Twitter Spaces, through which you can host speaking events on your Twitter page. After having listened in to a few great Spaces talks about topics relevant to my research (and also paying attention to…

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Seba, l’autre perspective

En 2017, Tony Seba, expert de l’Université Stanford en technologies perturbatrices, a produit un scénario pour la transition, rapide, des véhicules thermiques aux véhicules électriques autonomes. L’argumentaire dans «Clean Disruption of Energy Transportation» était intéressant, et je l’ai décrit dans un article de février 2018 incluant des références à un ouvrage Rethinking Transportation 2020-2030 : The Disruption of Transportation and the Collapse of the Internal Combustion Vehicle and Oil Industries signé par Seba et James Arbib.…

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Course: Introduction to DNA Barcoding

 Instructor - yours truly.Early bird deadline - register soon!The use of DNA Barcoding continues to enhance species identification and biodiversity conservation. Stay up-to-date with the latest research and join the growing industry with Introduction to DNA Barcoding.Take advantage of the opportunity to learn from prominent DNA researcher Dirk Steinke as he guides you through a variety of topics that showcase the different applications of DNA Barcoding.Course dates: January 17 to March 13, 2022Don't forget to register by December 18, 2021 and save…

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Stories about some of my (favourite) photographs

Photography used to be a rather hit and miss affair for several reasons. When I first started trying my hand at photography, skill requirements were light years more demanding than with today’s digital cameras. An average iPhone today takes better general photographs than many of the SLR’s I used as a teenager. Back then, the number of times I received developed photographs that were all under- or over-exposed, or out of focus is something I…

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Mining Association of Nova Scotia (MANS): Bullying, Propaganda, and a complete disregard for threatened natural habitats.

Last week I attended the virtual “Nova Scotia Precious and Critical Mineral Show” of the Mining Association of Nova Scotia (MANS). It was a technical symposium of two half days, each of which was introduced by a government official. The Monday morning was kicked off by brand new Minister of Natural Resources Tory Rushton and the Tuesday morning by Director of the NS Geological Survey Diane Webber (the only woman of the event). There were…

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I Heart Nature

I needed a mental reset from the past two weeks. COP 26 was a bust, flooding in the PNW due to climate change and destructive logging practices ravaged areas I grew up around, the Brazilian Amazon hit a record high level of destruction, politicians in North America are complete nincompoops, and these headlines seemingly have no end. Exhausting and depressing. Sooooo, some cuteness is in order! Over the past year and a bit, I’ve been…

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How deep are the presents?

As December rolls around again, thoughts turn to the Advent of Code, I mean Christmas, Jul, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, ÅŒmisoka, Newtonmas, Solstice, Dongzhi, or whatever you like to celebrate at this time of year. The end of 2021 is arguably sufficient cause for celebration on its own. Just don’t let your guard down in 2022!Now, wherever you are, light the fire, chill out in the shade, pour yourself a glass of what you fancy, and check…

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Meet Tanya Muswera

We are thrilled to announce our new GIS Analyst is Tanya Muswera. Her bachelor’s is in geography, and she holds a double master’s in Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation for Environmental Modeling and Management. Although a newcomer to Canada, Tanya is more than at-home in the world of spatial data, with many years of experience in GIS and remote sensing. She has worked in Europe and Africa, including as the GIS analyst at a research…

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