3 choses à savoir sur l’édition de gènes pour guérir les maladies, sur la façon dont les biocarburants peuvent réduire les émissions de carbone des avions et sur le potentiel des robots pour remplacer les tracteurs agricoles

Pour l'édition de janvier, les conseillères scientifiques expliquent comment l'édition de gènes peut guérir les maladies, la façon dont les biocarburants peuvent réduire les émissions de carbone des avions et le potentiel des robots pour remplacer les tracteurs agricoles.

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3 things you should know about gene editing to cure disease, how biofuels can reduce aircraft carbon emissions, and the potential for robots to replace farm tractors

January edition, Ingenium's science advisors provide context around the latest developments in a genetic treatment for sickle cell disease, how sustainable aviation fuels reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and how autonomous robots may someday replace traditional farm tractors.

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An AI-powered revolution in clean energy chemistry

UBC chemists Drs. Jason Hein (left) and Curtis Berlinguette (right) founded Project Ada, the first self-driving lab to combine AI and robotics to accelerate clean energy materials discovery.UBC’s Project Ada, the first self-driving lab to fast-track clean energy materials discovery, has come of ageBy Geoff GilliardWith the signing of the Paris Climate Accord, most of the world’s...

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As One Looks at the Stone, the Questions Arise – SHA 2024 Conference Presentation

Happy 2024, everyone! I recently returned from the Society of Historical Archaeology annual conference in Oakland, California, which is always held at the start of the year. This year I was invited to present a paper as part of an excellent session on frontier mythologies, which gave me an opportunity to jump into something I...

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Aimee Reid: The Birth of a Book

Welcome to Cantastic Authorpalooza, featuring posts by and about great Canadian children’s book creators! Today’s guest: Aimee Reid. Take it away, Aimee! I remember the months of waiting for my first child to be born as both a thrilling and vulnerable time. As is my tendency when encountering change, I prepared and planned as much...

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Find the full list of all Botany Books reviewed during Advent Botany 2023 here

Here is the complete list of 2023 Advent Botany gift recommendations. All the books but one (Hallé's In Praise of Plants) were written in English, and there is one Spanish translation from the English, but many of them have an international focus of some kind. In future years, we hope to include more books in...

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A Dickens Year and a Schrodinger’s Week

The week between Christmas and New Years’s is always a weird one for me. We’re poised on the brink between last year and next year, reflecting on 2023 and planning for 2024. Caught between leftover holiday indulgences and upcoming new year’s resolutions. Somewhere between the coziness and lights of the holidays and bracing ourselves for...

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