Broad Science and Confabulation: It’s a Phase

Broad Science and Confabulation return on stage for the theme of It’s a Phase: Stories of stage, changes and transformations. Storytellers: Dr. Kika Tuff, Founder of the Impact Media Lab Dr. Cristian Zaelzer, Founder & President of the Convergence Initiative

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#540 Specialize? Or Generalize?

Ever been called a "jack of all trades, master of none"? The world loves to elevate specialists, people who drill deep into a single topic. Those people are great. But there's a place for generalists too, argues David Epstein. Jacks of all trades are often more successful than specialists. And he's got science to back it up. We talk with Epstein about his latest book, "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World".

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