The Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Quarter

I previously posted line art and a radio interview in which I spoke about the America the Beautiful quarter I designed for Idaho’s Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness. I’m excited that this quarter has now been released into circulation. Keep an eye out for shiny quarters in your change, my friends! Here is an image of the quarter’s reverse (the side I designed), which was engraved by Renata Gordon: The U.S. Mint created this…

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Inktober 2019 – week 4

Continuing with this year’s #Inktober project: A Field Guide to Flying Trilobites. Here’s where to find Week 1, Week 2, and Week 3. You can also follow along on my Instagram and Twitter, @FlyingTrilobite. The popular *Plaice discus*, from A Field Guide to Flying Trilobites. These are often brightly painted by children in class #STEAM projects. “Asaphus dimorphia is a cliff-dwelling ptero-trilobite. It tends to stay hidden in dry grasses and has a chalky residue.”…

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#539 A Bit of Bird Behaviour

This week we're discussing birds, behaviour, and chickadees. How do you look at behavioural traits in birds, how different birds value information gathering, and how those traits affect foraging? Marion Kilgour speaks to Dr. Kim Mathot, the Canada Research Chair in Integrative Ecology, about how and why birds make decisions, and how individuals value and act on information, how they share information within groups, and what value that information has in managing uncertainty. Chickadees calls…

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