[Lab] Serious scholarly endeavors

We’re happy to present… DADBOD: An Integrated Database for Keeping Track of Biological Data PDF version here. The link to the DADBOD is here, but seriously, it’s not real. Well, okay, it exists, but barely. If we’ve piqued your interest about open data, check out: the Dryad Data Repository; Knowledge Network for Biocomplexity; DataONE; or this list from the National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (NCEAS) instead!

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#522 Home Alone?

Do you keep your house clean? Do you think that, maybe with the exception of the dog, you're alone in your home? Well, we hate to tell you this, but you're wrong. Your house is filled with microbes, fungi, bugs and much more. This week, we talk about the life filling you're house with Rob Dunn, a professor at North Carolina State University and author of the book "Never Home Alone: From Microbes to Millipedes,…

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Etymology and Stippling

Since last summer, I’ve been working on a series of 21 black and white line and stipple illustrations for a book about scientific names as tributes to people. This month, I finally wrapped up my work on the series, and I’m including a few of the illustrations in this post. I’ll add them all to my website when the book is published (likely in the first half of 2020). Gazella cuvieri illustration © Emily S.…

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Etymology and Stippling

Since last summer, I’ve been working on a series of 21 black and white line and stipple illustrations for a book about scientific names as tributes to people. This month, I finally wrapped up my work on the series, and I’m including a few of the illustrations in this post. I’ll add them all to my website when the book is published (likely in the first half of 2020). Gazella cuvieri illustration © Emily S.…

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