Video blogs, video series, podcasts, science art, photo essays
Technological Advancements
“Engineering doesn’t quite work like that…†“Yes it does! Your job is to build my crazy ideas, and maybe get some credit for it later. Don’t you want that?â€
#506 Everybody Poops (Rebroadcast)
This week on Science for the People, everybody poops! And everybody pees. But we probably don't spend a lot of time thinking about exactly how that works. Well, put down your lunch and listen up. We're talking with David Chu, a pediatric urological surgeon about urine. Then we'll hear from his brother, Daniel Chu, who's a colorectal surgeon, about poop. Finally, we'll hear from IgNobel prize winner Patricia Yang about her work studying the flow…
The Benefit of Tutoring
Lab Experiments
Academic Wishlist
Interview – Pixie Turner: From Peak Wellness to Food Positivity
 Jonathan and Chris interview Pixie Turner, a London-based nutritionist who used to be, according to her, a "wellness wanker". And then she publicly changed her mind about food.  They discuss her formerly obsessive relationship with nutrition; eating for Instagram; the turning point in her life; the vicious Instagram vegan posse; becoming an inadvertent Trojan horse on social media; why wellness mainly targets women; her thoughts on the carnivore diet; the demonization of carbs;…
Cracked Science Season 2.0
 We'll be releasing a very special interview about food and about changing your mind in a couple of days, just before Christmas. But before we do, I thought I'd throw in a reminder that Cracked Science exists! My biweekly video series for the McGill Office for Science and Society just wrapped up the first half of its second season. It'll resume in January. In the meantime, check out the following videos if the titles…
#505 Top Science Stories of 2018
We're looking back over 2018 and calling out our favourite science news stories from this past year: the ones we think you should remember -- or hear about for the first time if maybe you've been taking a break from the internet -- and we've brought in a team of reports from Science News to do it. Buckle up for a whistle stop tour of this year's most fascinating science news. Related links: Top 10…
I just love when I have a whole week of nothing (in which I could have done work!) and then this happens.