Tahlequah: The World’s Most Famous Orca is Pregnant!

Skaana (skaanapod) host Mark Leiren-Young (leirenyoung) talks Tahlequah and expectant southern resident orcas on the Adam Stirling Show (Adam_Stirling) on CFAX radio (@cfax1070). “This was the story that captured the imagination of the entire world” – Mark Leiren-Young Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod…… https://www.patreon.com/skaana Skaana home….. skaana.org “Your Magical Week” – meditation with Rayne Benu…. digital-enlightenment.net Facebook……….. https://www.facebook.com/skaanapod/ Twitter…………… https://twitter.com/skaanapod The Killer Whale Who Changed the World… http://amzn.to/2pRNU1q  Orcas Everywhere… http://www.orcaseverywhere.com Photo…

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Checking In with @waterkeepermark and Alysse Mathalon from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

For the Checking In series, Mark Mattson speaks with Alysse Mathalon from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and Swim Drink Fish. As the Water Quality Monitoring Hub Coordinator, Alysse ensures the Toronto Water Monitoring Hub is routinely sampling Toronto’s waterfront, analyzing the water samples, and sharing the water quality data with you on Swim Guide. MM: Tell...

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Disinformation in farming and food production: the bad stuff is always easier to believe

Hello Build Up Dietitians community! Thank you for inviting me into your virtual living room this Friday, July 24th at noon EST to chat about DISINFORMATION! To prepare for our lively discussion, feel free to check out the sources below… 1) blog post, 2) academic paper, 3) SciPod podcast, 4) twitter threads. 1) This blog post from LinkedIn The bad stuff is always easier to believe: disinformation, modern ag, and societies is a good introduction…

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Checking In: @waterkeepermark and the Kingston Water Monitoring Hub

Welcome to the new Kingston Water Monitoring Hub! One of the ways Swim Drink Fish connects people to water is through citizen science, with a special focus on testing water used for recreation, like beaches, marinas, and paddling courses. This summer, Swim Drink Fish and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper launched the new Kingston Water Monitoring Hub....

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