The beginnings of a quantum network link between Dutch cities

Dutch researchers, having previously announced a multi-node quantum network of three quantum processors (see my July 8, 2021 posting), are now part of an international team which has announced in an October 30, 2024 news item on ScienceDaily, a further advancement toward a future quantum internet, An international research team led by QuTech has demonstrated...

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Improving cardiology imaging with gold nanoparticles

Courtesy: University of Ottawa An October 28, 2024 news item on announces a breakthrough in cardiac imaging, Note: A link has been removed, Researchers at the University of Ottawa have made a breakthrough in heart disease diagnostics. They have developed a new type of contrast agent for a medical imaging technique called intravascular optical...

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Unravelling eDNA With Association Rule Mining

Nikolett Toth, an undergraduate research assistant, explores eDNA and association rule mining. eDNA, found in water, soil, and air, is transforming biodiversity research. Nikolett and Dr. Jarrett Phillips aim to apply association rule mining to understand eDNA degradation rates and predict optimal sampling conditions for environmental conservation.

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Introduction to AI and Quantum Computing: The Next Frontier in Computer Hardware Engineering

By Srikar Gummadi Computer hardware is everywhere. From the phone you look at in the morning when you wake up, to the infotainment system you use in your car to change music. Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer or electronic (external or internal) that a user can interact with. The landscape of...

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A team of educators and students spent three weeks in Iqaluktuuttiaq, Nunavut, camping and learning in an organic, free-form manner. Students engaged in activities like scientific sampling, photography, hunting, and teaching the educators about local plant life. The experience aimed to inspire innovative, curiosity-driven learning and to inform university teaching practices.

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