Unravelling eDNA With Association Rule Mining

Nikolett Toth, an undergraduate research assistant, explores eDNA and association rule mining. eDNA, found in water, soil, and air, is transforming biodiversity research. Nikolett and Dr. Jarrett Phillips aim to apply association rule mining to understand eDNA degradation rates and predict optimal sampling conditions for environmental conservation.

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Introduction to AI and Quantum Computing: The Next Frontier in Computer Hardware Engineering

By Srikar Gummadi Computer hardware is everywhere. From the phone you look at in the morning when you wake up, to the infotainment system you use in your car to change music. Computer hardware is the physical parts of a computer or electronic (external or internal) that a user can interact with. The landscape of...

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A team of educators and students spent three weeks in Iqaluktuuttiaq, Nunavut, camping and learning in an organic, free-form manner. Students engaged in activities like scientific sampling, photography, hunting, and teaching the educators about local plant life. The experience aimed to inspire innovative, curiosity-driven learning and to inform university teaching practices.

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Summer URA Position

If you’re an undergraduate student at the University of Guelph interested in research, you might want to check out this opportunity. Dr. Jarrett Phillips and I are looking for a student to work with us this summer to explore eDNA and data science! Job Title: Mining Association Rules for Environmental DNA (eDNA) Spatiotemporal Sampling JobContinue...

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Cybersecurity within the Internet of Things Devices

By Akhil Shastry In today’s interconnected world, the Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way we live and work. IoT devices have become an integral part of our daily lives, from smart thermostats and wearable fitness trackers to autonomous vehicles and industrial sensors. However, as our reliance on these devices grows, so do the...

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Unlocking the Creative Mind: Art Therapy for Enhanced Cognition in Seniors

Unlocking the Creative Mind Art Therapy for Enhanced Cognition in Seniors By Surabhi and Sumedha Shastry, Rachel Ni, and Abigail Chao Pristine white canvases, dollops of paint composed of the primary colors, and chairs waiting to be occupied. The scene was set, and all that was left was for the seniors to enter the room....

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Ph.D. Defence – Fatemeh Safari

Ph.D. candidate, Fatemeh Safari will defend her Ph.D. dissertation on Monday, August 22nd, at 1 pm. Fatemeh has spent several years developing and evaluating new routing protocols for use with Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs). The defence will take place virtually. The title and abstract for the defence are provided below. Title: A Novel Quality-of-Service-AwareContinue...

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