From Our Own Borealis Blog

From Imposter Syndrome to Expert Grubber

This December, Science Borealis is excited to feature a series of stories developed for a story-telling event held at the […]

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Should Pets Have the Same Medical Care As People? What Pet Guardians Think

Now that many more options are available for our pets, do people think advanced veterinary care is always a good thing or that it sometimes goes too far?Photo: SeventyFour/ShutterstockBy Zazie Todd PhDThis page contains affiliate links which means I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases at no cost to you.These days, veterinary medicine is...

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This is Why … The Colour Blue is as Rare as a Blue Moon

Now emerging from a long, grey winter in southern Ontario, our daily walks around the neighbourhood are becoming a technicolour experience, with flowers popping up and trees leafing out everywhere. (C)Ian Lee Daffodils dripping in their canary-colored finery, tulips blazing in fiery displays, pink canopies dancing overhead and every shade of green gleaming underfoot; spring...

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Dungeons and Dragons and Dinosaurs: How Do Prehistoric Creatures Fit Into Tabletop Roleplaying Games?

By Lindsay Kastroll, Master’s student in Biological Sciences, University of Alberta When you think about the hit table-top roleplaying game Dungeons & Dragons, you typically think about elves, wizards, magical quests, and of course, dragons. Dinosaurs don’t really factor into that equation. However, you may be surprised to learn that prehistoric creatures have had a long...

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