Une pénurie de main-d’oeuvre? L’avenir du Québec

L’adhésion à la mythologie de la croissance est tellement ancrée dans la pensée politique contemporaine qu’il est difficile à voir comment aborder les éléments de la situation, par exemple celui de la démographie, qui est, finalement, une de surpopulation, au Québec, dans les pays riches, dans le monde entier. D’une part, mon calcul de l’empreinte écologique quand j’étais Commissaire au développement durable montrait que notre mode de vie ici dépasse par trois fois la capacité…

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Le véhicule électrique ne nous sauvera pas

Dans le dernier article de mon blogue, j’ai indiqué au départ que je n’allais probablement pas commenter le récent rapport du GIÉC, tellement il ne faisait qu’insister sur les tendances dramatiques qu’il met en relief depuis plusieurs rapports maintenant. Ici, je note presque en passant que je ne commenterai pas non plus l’élection fédérale au Canada où les quatre ou cinq partis tournaient autour du pot (en dépit des feux qui ont fait rage pendant…

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Des distinctions à faire

Cet article est publié alors que nous venons d’obtenir le dernier rapport du GIÉC (AR6). Finalement, ce rapport se situe tellement en ligne droite avec les précédents rapports et leurs trajectoires sans faille, montrant l’incapacité des sociétés à répondre aux exigences nous permettant d’éviter la catastrophe, qu’il n’y a presque pas lieu d’en faire un grand plat. J’ai lu le résumé pour décideurs, lui-même assez technique et qui doit se lire en premier à travers…

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Alexandra Morton on fighting for sea-life, fighting against sea lice and the beauty of dancing, spawning salmon

Eco-warrior, Alexandra Morton, on her fight to save wild salmon, being gaslit by the Canadian government and her adventures in Green politics. She also dares people to sue her over her essential new book – Not On My Watch:  How a renegade whale biologist took on governments and industry to save wild salmon. “The salmon farming industry is harming wild salmon, is harming whales, is causing algae blooms and really needs to be controlled.” Skaana…

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Corky II — From Orcapedia by Paul Watson & Tiffany Humphrey

By Paul Watson & Tiffany Humphrey 1966 est Born December 11, 1969 Captured in Pender Harbor, BC 1969 Sent to Marineland of Pacific 1987 Sent to SeaWorld San Diego Species: Orcinus orca Breed: Northern Resident Meaning of name: Irish for “hill hollow” Captivity History: Captured at around age 4 from A5 pod in Pender Harbor, BC Mother: Stripe (died in the wild in 2000) Full Siblings: A21, A29, Okisollo, Ripple, FifeOffspring: Calf (1977) first Orca…

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An Orca’s Past and Our Shared Future with Dr. Gavin Hanke at the Royal BC Museum

Gavin Hanke Curator of Vertebrate Zoology at the Royal BC Museum (@RoyalBCMuseum) on the life, death and anatomy of Rhapsody – the skeletal star of the museum’s fantastic exhibit Orcas: Our Shared Future #RBCMOrcas – which is open until 2022 before touring the world (and was written by Skaana host, Mark Leiren-Young @leirenyoung). Rhapsody (J32). Credit: Josh McInnes Skaana connects you to stories about oceans, eco-ethics and the environment. Join the Pod……https://www.patreon.com/mobydoll Spotify……………www.bit.ly/spotify-skaana Apple Podcasts………www.skaana.ca…

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FOIA: The new four-letter word (re-post)

The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) is popping up on the media radar again. Because of this, I thought it timely to re-post some of old news to provide a bit more context to the new news. FOIA. For me, it’s personal. May, 2016. Several weeks ago, I was notified by my alma mater (the University of Saskatchewan) that the US Right to Know (USRTK) had submitted an Access To Information Act (ATIP) request seeking…

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Orcas: Our Shared Future at the Royal BC Museum (Victoria, Canada)

Exhibition on now BUY TICKETS: https://sales.royalbcmuseum.bc.ca/DateSelection.aspx?item=35 Dive deep into the stories and science that surround the magnificent orca, spirit of BC’s wild coast and apex predator of all oceans. Follow the currents of ecological activism, popular culture and Indigenous beliefs to gain a new appreciation of these sophisticated animals, long feared in Western cultures as “killer whales.” Discover the complex social structure of orca society and reflect on the surprising consequences of captivity. The Salish…

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Waterkeeper makes recommendations for improvements to Canadian radioactive waste management policy

Pippa Feinstein is a Toronto-based lawyer, researcher, and mediator focussed on environmental and social justice who has worked with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper to safeguard Lake Ontario.  For 20 years, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has been the leading voice on nuclear issues and threats to Great Lakes drinking water. Years ago, the Darlington nuclear plant killed 18...

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